If you’re a woman boss and have always dreamed of having an attractive man who chases you, gives you attention, and wants to win your heart, well, you’ve come to the right place!

You can make a huge difference in your chances of finding quality men by choosing how you answer. Yes, it is typical that guys take the initiative. If they sense your interest, they do reciprocate. A charming woman has a five-to-one chance of attracting a man compared to a woman who is not. Remember when men feel like they’re in friendly territory, they tend to shy away from women.

However, before we delve into details about how to use feminine charm to attract a man that will melt your heart, I want you to keep two things in mind.

Caveat #1: Don’t chase men!

In the world of an absolute queen, women don’t pursue men. It’s in nature’s plan that a male always chases a female. Like a peacock chases a peahen, feminine women never chase men.

Caveat #2: You can’t ‘MAKE’ a man do anything!

Online, women can learn how to ‘make a man fall in love with them’ or ‘make a man chase them.’ But this is just a myth. Trying to ‘make’ a man do something is very anti-feminine since it implies you have total control over his actions, which is simply untrue. It is thus impossible to ‘make’ a man do anything, even by using feminine charm.

While we, as women, do not have total control over a man, what we do have is INFLUENCE. Influence is different from control. It’s all about improving your chance of success with the man you like by changing the odds in your favor.

In light of this, let’s look at the top three ways you can make your feminine charm work as a man-attractor.

1. Make yourself desirable!

Losing weight, getting a perfect tan, or any other action will not give you the desired look. The fact remains, though, that men are visual creatures, and they will not chase you if they do not feel a desire for you. Please put your best foot forward at all times, dear ladies.

It can be as simple as taking good-quality pictures and presenting yourself in the best light possible.

A desirable quality can also look like this:

  • Donning colorful, feminine dresses.
  • Trying out some subtle makeup.
  • Restyle hair now and then.
  • Show off your skin.

2. Infuse his pursuit with feminine charm.

We must persevere in his pursuit. Getting whatever you want is what we’re used to when we’re high achievers. It is precisely why we have fewer personal success stories than professional ones. Relationship-wise, we follow the same principles as in our careers. Romance doesn’t work this way since it relies on attraction and sexual polarities. If you don’t call a man; but wait for him to call you, you aren’t using feminine charm.

You can easily send a text message by picking up your phone, right? It only takes a few seconds. That’s how easily a man can get you. That is the power of feminism.

3. Be Warm & Inviting!

Last, my third and final tip is to be warm and inviting to men. There is conflicting advice on dating, such as “act busy, and don’t show any interest.” These misconceptions cause women to fear appearing too eager when meeting a man. But the truth is that men won’t pursue a woman they perceive to be too occupied.

Whenever a man shows interest, you should be welcoming and warm. We do this to show that he is free to pursue us. All it takes is a simple word to show him we appreciate his efforts.

Here are a few examples:

“I love getting an early morning message from you!”

“Oh, what a delight to hear your voice!”

“Oh, this is wonderful. Thanks for arranging this date for us.”

Safety, warmth, invitation, and softness are the four pillars of feminine charm. Show your heart and share your feelings without fear. It is the best way to keep him coming back to you.

For women with feminine charm, enticing a man to pursue them is just the tip of the iceberg. Remember that healthy relationships begin with feminine charisma. Embrace it to the fullest! I hope you find this article interesting. If you have any comments, please let me know!