Hi Kiara!

 I hope you are great and doing perfectly fine. So, my name is Jenny, and I am 18 years old. Last week, I went out on a date with my boyfriend Clan. I wanted him to behave gentlemanly by opening the door for me getting me a bunch of roses, etc. But my boyfriend thinks that opening the door for a woman is a stupid thing to do. So, is it like that Kiara? Can you please explain?



Hi Jenny!

            Thank you so much girl, for asking this question. And secondly, yes I am doing good. How are you doing babe? I hope your date was good.

So, now coming back to your question, well, I do not believe that it is a stupid thing to do. I think everyone should hold doors for everyone. We should hold doors for people regardless of gender, sex, race, sexuality, etc.

Also, people who believe that only men can open doors for women are annoying.

So, I will narrate to you my experience. The other day, I tried to hold open the door for a young man a few years older than me, and I got weird looks. Then that man ended up not going into the door and holding the door above where I was holding it, insisting that I should go inside before him by uttering, “LADIES FIRST”…

I appreciate his gesture, but if I am holding open the door for you, it is because I am being polite, just like if you hold open the door for me, you are being polite.

I hope this justifies your question, Jenny.

