Hi Amanda,

What’s up with you? It’s blood donor day next week. Sometimes I think about donating some blood but then cancel my plans and become skeptical. Could you please give me some advice on whether it would be beneficial to donate blood?
Thank you.



Hi Josie,
Time and again, a bombshell of reality is dropped on us by conversations about donations. You know that we are all supposed to die one day. These words may seem morbid and simplistic, but accepting mortality is the first step to living fully. The point is that today, people have the option to live a healthy lifestyle. Our loved ones shouldn’t have to worry about dying from cancer. There shouldn’t be a waiting game for heart surgery results. Family members should have the chance to say a meaningful farewell when the time comes. Ultimately, blood donors are what make it all possible.

Donors can save three lives apiece through their blood donations, which is true. But sometimes, that’s not the case. In some cases, sickness prevails over treatment, and our bodies begin to break down and deteriorate as they die. Even if your donation hasn’t saved someone’s life, you can be proud that it might have kept them alive long enough to say goodbye to their loved ones. It can ease some of their pain during their final days in the hospital and can reduce the suffering of the dying and sick. Wouldn’t that be a worthwhile consideration when donating blood?

Donating blood doesn’t always mean saving lives. Often, you are extending someone’s life and granting them more time. Your kindness offers hope to them and their families. Definitely a priceless gift that everyone can savor, regardless of their illness.

There are many reasons people donate, but hopefully, you now understand that giving blood isn’t just something you do on your lunch break or to get out of work. It’s a way to serve the community and pay respect to the deceased.
So, when are you planning to donate blood? Do let me know!
