After a tiring day, when you feel like googling something, you can google about chia seeds and you will find some pretty interesting stuff about these healthy seeds.

For starters, chia seeds are known as a trendy ‘superfood’, but they do have ancient roots as a source of sustenance. Humans have been feeding upon them for thousands of years. Chia seeds have originated from Central America, where they were once considered a staple food in the diet of Aztec people. Ideally, they are a member of the mint family and come from a cool desert plant called Salvia Hispanica.

Chia seeds are considered a nutritional powerhouse. They are packed with fiber, minerals, proteins, and Omega-3 fatty acids that can support your body in multiple ways. One ounce serving of Chia seeds can serve up to 138 calories, 8 grams of fat, 10 grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein. So, let’s take a look at the health benefits of chia seeds:

1.) They are a great source of omega fatty acids:

Chia seeds are a top source of Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These are essential fatty substances that your body needs to get from food to support a variety of functions. They are also vital for the formation of cell membranes that provide energy to support your body, immune system, and endocrine systems.

They provide other health benefits such as protecting your heart, supporting your mental health, and promoting healthy blood sugar.

2.) They increase your digestive health:

Chia seeds have impressive fiber content. Also, our body needs approximately 29% to 45% fiber every day. And Chia seeds help in preventing constipation. The fiber present in chia seeds is insoluble, and they add bulk to your stool.

3.) They help you satisfied and full

If you are looking for a meal that will help you stay satiated, then chia seeds are the best option. Their potent combo of protein and fiber helps us feel full faster. The bulk provided by insoluble fiber and the water-holding properties of soluble fiber enhances the feelings of fullness. They also help your blood sugar levels to stay steady.

4.) They help you recover from your post-workout 

Chia seeds have a punch that helps your body bounce back faster after exercising. As a complete protein, they contain nine essential amino acids that our body can’t make on its own. Exercise can result in tiny tears in your muscle fibers, whereas proteins help your tissue repair that damage to come back stronger. Also, they are a rich source of branched-chain amino acids that help in increased protein synthesis. So, you can include chia seeds in your diet that can be in the form of a post-workout smoothie.

5.) They support your bone health

So, if you are looking for a non-dairy option to support a sturdy skeleton, then chia seeds are the best. They are a good source of minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium that helps in maintaining bone density.


You can have one ounce or about two tablespoons of chia seeds daily. Also, you are very much allowed to have multiple servings of chia seeds, as long as you have the high-fiber content in mind.


 There are two potential chia seed side effects that you will have to consider. Because of their fiber content, eating excessive chia seeds can mess with your stomach, and if you consume them plainly, they are tough to swallow. Also, adding too much fiber to heavy chia seeds can result in bloating, gases and cramping. So, it is always better to start with a couple of teaspoons of chia seeds and then slowly increase the amount to avoid any gastrointestinal discomfort.


  So, if you are wondering how to eat chia seeds, then the best thing of all about them is that you can incorporate them into different meals and snacks. You can add chia seeds in simple pudding or smoothies.

We hope you had learned a lot about chia seeds and would incorporate them into your everyday diet.