Hi Petrica!

  I hope you are doing fine. Last week, all of a sudden my hubby told me that he would like to start intuitive eating. I have no clue as to what are the benefits of intuitive eating? So, can you just let me know the benefits of intuitive eating so that we can start implementing it in our everyday life? Please respond to this question.

Thank you!


Dear Lisa!

                 Thank you so much sweetheart for writing to me. I love when people shower their love on me. And thank you so much for asking me the benefits of intuitive eating. Well, recently, I have started intuitive eating, and there are many benefits of it.

In fact, it is a flexible style of eating that emphasizes listening to your body and mind and choosing your food accordingly. It is not another fad diet or weight loss, but it is more about a self-care eating framework, which amalgamates emotions, instincts, and rational thought.

The purpose of intuitive eating is not that people can eat whatever and whenever they want to eat, but to work with the brain and eat in a way that nourishes the person. Ultimately, the goal of intuitive eating is not about weight loss, it is about a sustainable lifestyle change that allows you to have a deeper understanding of your body’s wants and needs.

Some of the essential points of intuitive eating are giving yourself the permission to eat unconditionally. So, here are the 10 principles of intuitive eating:

1.) Rejecting the diet mentality.

2.) Making peace with food.

3.) Honoring your hunger

4.) Feeling your fullness

5.) Discovering the satisfaction factor.

6.) Honoring your health.

7.) Challenging the food police.

8.) Coping up with your emotions.

9.) Feeling the difference.

10.) Being at peace.

I hope this justifies your question.

