When the weather gets hot during the summer, we switch up our wardrobes. But did you know that you should also change your diet? When you’re baking in the sun all day, you’re likely to get dehydrated; and lack Vitamin D. Luckily, the tricks to fix it are easy and delicious.

When the summer comes, eat local seasonal produce. It’s always better to eat fresh food since the nutrients are at their peak.

No food is inherently unhealthy, but some foods are more nutritional than others. You can make a big difference in your energy levels if you choose your ingredients carefully. To simplify your search, we’ve compiled a list of a few refreshing and healthful summer foods to add to your breakfast, lunch, or dinner recipes. Let’s check ’em out!

1. Yummy Watermelon.

It is the ultimate summer hydration food. Watermelons are filled with water and are a great way to stay hydrated and minimize unhealthy snacking. As a bonus, watermelons are also rich in lycopene, which shields skin cells from the sun.

2. Truckloads of Tomatoes!

When the summer sun is out, we always apply sunscreen. Likewise, tomatoes, or other fruits and vegetables that are red, offer an extra layer of protection, similar to sunblock. As tomatoes contain more lycopene – the carotenoid that makes them red – they may help protect your skin from sunburns.

3. The Green Tea Hour

Green tea is one of the easiest ways to stay hydrated, whether you drink it hot or iced. The healthiest beverage on earth, for sure. It is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients and can keep your health in check. During the summer and all year round, tea is a better option than sugary soft drinks.

4. Lots more Melons.

Honeydews and cantaloupes are healthy and tasty summer treats, packed with nutrients and water. As a diuretic, melon does not dehydrate, so it is especially beneficial to women experiencing hormonal changes.

5. Delicious Berries

Almost all berries are good for you. Flavonoids in strawberries and blueberries improve your skin’s health and appearance by increasing blood flow to the skin and decreasing sensitivity to light. Fiber is present in raspberries and blackberries to keep the digestive tract healthy.

6. Yogurt is unbeatable!

With this protein-rich, portion-controlled food, you can grab a mouthful anywhere. Just pack it in a cooler, and you’re all set. Once you’re full of protein, you’re less likely to overindulge in salty, high-calorie snacks. A yogurt’s probiotic content will keep your digestive system in good shape.

7. Dark Leafy Green Salads.

Rather than steaming your veggies, try eating raw lettuce, kale, and spinach. You can eat dark green fruits and vegetables as they are very healthy. Folate, carotenoids, and antioxidants are plentiful in them. They also protect the skin from sun damage and reduce UV sensitivity, repairing flaky and dry skin and strengthening the skin’s defenses.

8. Some natural treasures.

Peaches, nectarines, and apricots are all excellent sources of fiber. If you want to avoid salty or sweet packaged foods, pick up seasonal produce and eat peaches for their Vitamin C.

9. Salmon ROCKS!

Omega3 is present in salmon, a superfood of the Mediterranean diet. Salmon is a heart-healthy food and a great source of protein. Instead of hamburgers and hotdogs, grill up some salmon.

10. Corns are worth their salt.

Summer isn’t complete without fresh sweet corn. It is a staple of summer barbeques and has some surprising health benefits. Zeaxanthin and lutein in corn help prevent cataracts and other macular degeneration due to aging.

11. Take a Citrus Break!

Even though oranges are not a seasonal summer fruit, they are high in potassium, making them an ideal summer fruit. By sweating, you lose potassium and are at risk of cramps. As they contain 80 percent water, they help you stay hydrated. Drink lemonade instead of soda, or squeeze lemons over salads to get more vitamin C.

12. Star avocado!

Including this marvel as healthy food is a no-brainer. Avocados are a tasty and healthy source of monounsaturated fat, folate, and fiber. Moreover, avocados are anti-inflammatory. It goes well on toast, salads, or guacamole.

To put it simply, if you ever feel the urge to snack on something cool, have a glass of juice instead of ice cream. You’ll not only be making a healthier choice, but you’ll also be removing lots of empty calories from your daily intake. We hope that these delicious, refreshing foods will keep you cool during the summer heat and keep your body healthy at the same time.