Hi Amanda,

You know what, I want to be that girl who knocks it out of the park. It’s a struggle for me, however. Why does stage fright never go away no matter how diligently I practice? Could you please assist me with overcoming this fear?





Hi Josie,

I know how you feel. Although it might seem that all dancers are natural performers, many of us are shy. Oh, but did you know? You’re not alone!

I’ve got six tips that will get you into the groove so you won’t feel too shy to dance!

1. No one watches you dance.

You don’t need to worry about what people think about you. Most people don’t even care. Quite the contrary! It’s refreshing and liberating.

Most people are watching and judging their performance, not you. You should keep that in mind as well! Forget about this “everyone’s watching me” mentality.

2. Dancing lets you become someone else.

What is the coolest thing about dancing? You’re on stage! Dancing allows you to be anyone you want, anywhere you wish, and in whatever scenario you imagine.

Try dancing as if you are a non-shy version of yourself. You will realize soon that you’re so used to being on stage and performing. Start imagining yourself as that person, even for a moment.

3. Your journey is unique to you.

Dancers’ anxiety often stems from feeling behind their peers. Get over it. Quit benchmarking yourself against others. Instead, focus on improving yourself. You are ultimately responsible for what you do. As a dancer, taking a class, auditioning for a team, and messing up in class are all part of your journey.

4. Making mistakes is a part of life.

Dancers of all levels have fallen short, from famous dancers to elite dancers to dance experts. Please don’t be afraid to dance due to the fear of making an error.

No matter if you missed that 6-count. Dance reminds us of what matters most: it’s fun. Do not let your shyness stand in the way of your enjoyment.

5. Dance has no rules.

It’s true that when you do someone else’s choreography, you have to follow counts and moves. You have to be meticulous. But when you are dancing alone, there are no rules. It’s just you and your body. There is no such thing as a flawed expression. The only way to prevent the sign from looking odd is to let go of your shyness and embrace your weirdness. Dancers who follow their unique style are the most notable and original. Once you realize this, you’ll no longer feel shy about dancing.

6. Don’t give up without trying.

If shyness was not an issue, don’t you think you would have accomplished more? Regrets are horrible. Of all the things we regret, we regret the things we didn’t do more often than the things we did do. Unrealized potential is the most unfortunate thing. Being shy will hide your true potential. Instead of imagining what you can be, start doing it!

I hope these tips will help you cope with shyness! So stop being afraid of dancing, and let your creativity blossom! Before long, you won’t be scared at all!

