Would you agree with me that the world is suffering and it is in dire need of help? Growing disparities between the classed and the lower class people, rising temperatures, and wars all across the world; such are just a few examples of the severity of the world’s problems.

Rather than dwelling on the negatives today, I’m focusing on the positives instead. The question is: What can we do to make the world a better place? How can we contribute to a better world as individuals? While looking at the bigger picture, it can sometimes appear that your small actions are inconsequential. However, you can still have an enormous impact on the world.

In this article, we will explore some ways to make the world a better place ahead of Earth Day. The surprising part is that many of these activities make you happier and more engaged in life. So let’s jump right into it!

Don’t let equality slip away:

The root cause of many of the world’s conflicts is inequality. When people are treated unfairly, they clash.

That could be:

  • Racism ingrained in society
  • Gender pay gap (still exists)
  • Violence
  • Corrupt practices

The power is in your hands. Even if you are not directly affected by these inequalities, by speaking up and acknowledging your stance, you can influence the outcome. So, if someone is being bullied because of their gender or your coworker tells a slightly sexist joke, don’t let it slide.

Avoid animal products:

In a recent survey of over 2,000 people – findings showed that meat-free people are 10% happier than those who eat meat.

Sustainable behavior is a pretty safe bet if you want to improve the world. Taking small steps towards success is more effective than going all-in at once. At the very least, trying may require some sacrifice; however, the rewards, such as psychological satisfaction and preserving natural resources, justify the effort.

Bring joy to others:

Since happy people make a better world, spreading happiness should be top of mind. Emulation of body language and facial expressions can adversely affect our mood.

Luckily, spreading happiness doesn’t just make the world a better place; it also makes us happier. In turn, lifting the moods of others inevitably contributes to our well-being.

Put this into practice by:

  • Smile at strangers
  • Laugh in a friendly way around other people
  • Be kind to someone randomly
  • Try complimenting someone and see how their happiness changes

Embrace vulnerability:

Vulnerability is often confused with weakness. It is especially true for men, even though most are unaware of it.

Often, it can be hard to show emotion in front of people who don’t matter to you. Or perhaps you’re the last person to hug someone. But it’s not that you’re cruel; we tend to think of needing help as weak. Asking for help seems like a sin. But, if people let down their guard more often, life would be easier.

Donate your time:

Most people view volunteering as a noble and good endeavor, yet many are reluctant to engage. Why invest time and effort into something that doesn’t pay?

Giving back to the world through volunteering is a fantastic way to improve it. Volunteers directly reduce inequality by helping those in need. It is not news to you that volunteering benefits you. An extensive study from 2007 found that volunteers report being healthier mentally and physically than non-volunteers.

Clean up trash:

From an environmental and ecological point of view, picking up trash is probably the best way to improve the environment. It’s just as simple as taking an empty trash bag out right now and filling it with waste. You can fill up one or two trash bags in just a few minutes by walking around the streets. It may seem insignificant but is crucial in this process.

Give someone a hand for free:

When you help someone out for free, you spread positive vibes to others and close the gap between those with little and with plenty.

In what ways can you implement this idea and improve the world?

  • Assist a colleague in their work.
  • Make a grocery run for an elder.
  • Donate to a food bank.
  • Take them for a ride.
  • Give a friend or colleague a listening ear.

This concept encompasses everything. It won’t benefit you financially to give away your time, but you’ll make a difference in the world.

Let’s wrap this up!

Hopefully, you probably now know a few tactics you can use to better the world. As an individual, your impact will always be small. But ultimately, though, inspiring others will snowball into real change. Start making a difference now before it is too late.

What are your thoughts? Did I miss anything? Post your comments below! And don’t forget to check out our Earth Day Reminder!