Love: It’s a feeling that creates intense pleasure, or intense pain in our lives. It is that force that has the power to put you on the top of the clouds or in a dark hole.

IS LOVE BLIND, like people say?

When you are surrounded by love, you get butterflies in your stomach. You feel everything your partner does is right. And when the term, “Love is blind” comes associated with it, you do not see any flaws in it. So, why do we feel that ‘love is blind?’

So, when you first meet someone, you do not see any red flags. It’s easy to hide them. That’s only because you are in the lusting phase of your relationship. Also, when in a heightened state, we tend to give our partners more leeway. There is more space for them to make mistakes because we have not set any rules. You are just thrilled to welcome them into the same room and share some happy memories with them.


 During this period, you are fully in love with your partner. When you are loving your partner from your heart, you do not think much about how much you are giving, and you do not create ideas of what your soul mate should be and compare it with anyone. So, what makes us stop loving them?

The answer is loving with the head. Logic is a valuable intellectual trait that can be destructive. At this point, the rules that you have made up in your head about your soul mate will create a lot of impacts.

These rules completely overtake the positive emotions you had for your partner when you were in love. Things which our partner does for us are no longer thrilling. The flaws keep pissing us off and things start shaking us. We start feeling resentment and built-up tension towards our partner. This can escalate into a series of rejections that become toxic, and you lower your expectations so much that you no longer feel the need of being in a relationship. So, you turn to other outlets for affection, love, and harmony.

The magic of falling in love:

 Positive portrayals of a partner can happen in a relationship from start to last. Although there are times when it is more palpable-like love at first sight scenarios and for people who are still in love, it’s a very blissful feeling for them. It is a mesmerizing addition that makes us feel magical.

When we first fall in love with someone, we do not think much about the relationship. But when it progresses, there are things that elevate us throughout the journey. We try learning the details of an individual’s personality through rose-colored glasses.

Accepting your partner:

 If you will do your research, you will find that the key to a happy marriage is accepting your partner the way they are. Accepting their flaws and understanding them is the biggest thing you should understand.