Hi Petrica!

          I hope you are doing well? Last night when I was discussing with my boyfriend at 11:11, he told me to make a wish. I was clueless why he had asked me to make a wish at that time. I asked him a reason for it, but he did not say much about it. So, can you please explain why people make a wish at 11:11?



Hi Kelly!

       Yes, darling, I am absolutely fine. How have you been? Well even when I heard about this 11:11 earlier, I had no clue what it was. But then I had read somewhere that 11:11 is supposed to be a time when the universe is listening to you. It is the time when you are meant to be conscious of your thoughts. You should manifest something positive and eliminate all your negative thoughts. 11:11 is a power number and very significant in the spiritual journey and ascension. Also, it is said; that when you see the number 11:11, this is a sign that things are about to get real. I believe that manifesting positivity during this time will fulfill your wishes. I hope this justifies your question, Kelly. Stay happy, stay blessed!

