Regardless of age, gender, and relationship status, we can experience sex anxiety at some point in our life. Maybe that is the fear of performance or fear of sex is something we have experienced for the first time. Through this blog, you will understand what exactly sexual anxiety is and what can be done about it.

So, is sex causing anxiety in your relationship?

Physical intimacy is magical and acts as a pure connection between two people. But then why does this topic create tension and discomfort within you?

Many couples suffer from intimacy issues; some even complain that they do not have an incompatible sexual drive or they are experiencing a lull that is causing loneliness. The sexual anxiety can lead to full-blown resentment, thus making both partners feel pressured and frustrated.

What is the meaning of sexual anxiety?

Like any form of anxiety, sexual anxiety hinder our ability to perform, initiate and enjoy sexual activities with our partner. These symptoms can lead to sexual anxiety. Hence, it is advised to consult a trained clinician. So, the following factors can lead to sexual anxiety.

1.) Couples do not trust each other.

2.) They do not respect each other.

3.) They are not on the same page about their goals.

4.) They do not support each other.

5.) There may be other issues like infidelity or building up resentment.

So, in all these cases, people lack the desire and passion to get sexually involved with each other. So, in this case, it is necessary to assess the sexual history, mental and physical status of people.

Sexual issues within a relationship are often a symbol of misalignment. It requires constant communication and personal attention to overcome this fear. It is also about challenging yourself to be open about your feelings, sex, and overall emotions.

Is it normal?

Anxiety is a normal part of human functioning. Many people experience anxiety before having sex. Also, if you have sexual anxiety, you might find yourself in a flight or fight stance. You may not be able to perform or would like to flee from the situation. Yes, a little anxiety before sex is common, but, when anxiety hinders your ability to enjoy the pleasures of masturbation, sex, or intimacy after sex, it is time to seek help from a professional.

How to get rid of sexual anxiety?

 When it comes to eliminating anxiety, the best thing is to approach a trained expert or sex therapist that will help you to determine the root of your anxiety cycle. Sometimes factors like a relational disconnect, embarrassment around bodily functions can be the reasons for getting rid of sexual anxiety. Without identifying the triggers, you will never be able to get rid of the sexual anxiety. Hence, make self-awareness and de-stress exercises a part of your everyday life cycle.

Communication: The key to curing sexual anxiety

  Our brains are wired order to protect us from perceived threats. Hence, it is natural to want to avoid communication about sex, if you are experiencing sexual anxiety. Also, when we feel anxious about sex, we feel like having a negative trigger. Also, when we are anxious, our nervous system fuels our body with an anxious energy that causes our bodies to negatively respond. 

Sex is something that feels like a dark cloud hovering over your bed, and once you start understanding the elements better, you will enjoy doing that. It will also help you to eliminate all your differences.

Sex changes as the relationship progress, and it is extremely crucial to communicate about things that create frustration and anxiety.