Hi Kiara!

Baby, I hope you are doing well? Last Saturday, I proposed Johnson (my partner). I thought he would be happy to get into a serious relationship. But, to my amazement, he denied it and answered that he is not ready for a serious relationship. What if Kiara he leaves me? I am very worried, and I am unable to conclude anything. I need your assistance, please guide me.



Hi Bella Baby,

I am absolutely fine. But, right now, I am concerned for you. Well, Bella relationships are all about timings. It’s very common to find yourself in a position where you want to take your relationship to another level, but your love is not ready. Yes, agreed, they may have strong feelings for you, care deeply about you, and see a future with you, but cannot commit as you want. So, what does it mean when someone is not ready for a relationship? Well, the answer depends on your situation, maybe it is normal for some people to take time.

Every romantic relationship goes through something or the other. Love does not look the same for any two couples. Because every individual has their process and desires of commitment. So, should you wait or move?

So, let’s here are the pros and cons of waiting until your partner is ready:


      1.) Waiting lets your partner see how much you care: 

Your partner might need some time to decide before getting into a serious relationship. Maybe, they came out of a long relationship and want to take time to decide. So, when you stand by your partner throughout this process, it lets them understand your care.

       2.) Waiting makes you connect with your partner on a deeper level:

When you are giving your partner more time to enter a serious relationship- you are connecting with them on a deeper level. Waiting can help you solidify your partner’s decision. In fact, rather than rushing into something, taking it slow is the key.


         1.) Waiting is an emotionally draining process:

If you are worried that your partner is afraid of commitment, then it is important to keep your emotional health and well-being in mind. Waiting for someone can be a bit exhausting and tiring too. It also sets you up for heartbreak in the future. Also, when you are stuck in the middle of this decision, take time to consider whether this person is worth your wait. If you are not confident enough, then it is foolish to wait.

2.) Waiting can make you unavailable to others:

  It is essential to consider that waiting for your partner could prevent you from pursuing other people. So, if they are emotionally unavailable, they would not be able to provide you with full support. Also, when a person feels less ready for commitment, they are less likely to act in ways that support their endurance.

So Bella, should you wait for Johnson?

  Once you have considered these points when feeling unsure about the love of your life, it is time to rethink and make a choice.

Are you able to wait for Johnson to decide what he wants, even if that means being in a constant toggling situation? If you cannot imagine a future without him, then just give him some time. Also, during this process take care of yourself and ensure that the relationship you are building should lead to a healthy partnership.

And lastly, be sure to communicate your expected timelines, afterall, your happiness matters too!