In the calendar of Valentine’s Day, there is dedicated time to promise each other simple or big things that will last a lifetime. Some people are indeed reluctant to make promises, but such an action casts doubt on your relationship with your loved one.

Valentine’s Day is not complete without a promise to remain committed until the end.

In a relationship, you promise to be there for your partner on any condition. Don’t make too many lofty and unrealistic promises, though.

Show your love through your actions more than through your words. The promises you make strengthen the relationships and bring you closer to your loved ones, whether they are small things like cleaning the dishes or big things like quitting smoking.

Long-term couples, remember to make new promises this year if you fulfilled them last year. So, instead of making impossible promises, just make easy, small ones that you can keep.

Remember that making a promise isn’t the same as swearing to an oath: It’s just a sincere expression of devotion to which you will endeavor to live up to.

As a couple, you should always maintain proper perspective and never jeopardize your well-being. Promises are precious, and some words can drive love in the direction of commitment.

With the right promise(s), you will be able to reach a higher level of commitment, and this day will be one of your most treasured memories.

Voicing the 10 best promises women want from men:

  • Don’t be distracted by smoke or alcohol, and don’t make phone calls or send messages while driving.
  • Keep track of all her important dates, such as her birthday, wedding anniversary, and engagement day.
  • Don’t keep the password on your phone.
  • Be respectful of the parents and other relatives of your date.
  • Show her love, care, and loyalty by always taking good care of her.
  • Be supportive of each other. Work together to resolve your problems.
  • Every so often, send her a surprise gift to make her happy.
  • Be honest and realistic rather than making promises of moons and stars.
  • Don’t make her feel uncomfortable by lying or keeping anything from her.
  • Treat her as if she is the most precious thing in the world, and give her your undivided attention.

Listed below are the 10 best promises that men expect from their ladies:

  • You should never, ever try to change your true self. Rather than trying to be someone you are not, you need to be who you are. And I want to love you for who you are.
  • Our strength lies in our unity rather than our division. And I’d like to be there for you when the going gets tough. Because I know we can overcome anything together!
  • Instead of merely hearing you and failing to understand, I promise to listen to what you have to say when you speak.
  • I will order my food. I won’t be stealing yours! Okay, maybe a couple of times I still do, but only if your food tastes better!
  • You can count on me to encourage you to achieve your dreams. And when you feel like giving up, I will be right there to cheer you!
  • Promise me you will not accuse me at the end of every fight! Do not leave me alone; As we both know that the bond between us is deeper than that.
  • Even if it makes me slightly uncomfortable at first, I swear I won’t hold you back from what you love!
  • Please don’t tell me, “I told you so.” if I fail after not following your advice. After all, I know you would have given it your best shot no matter what.
  • Even when you feel like you’re at your worst, I promise to love you because you will always have a special place in my heart. Always!

This Valentine’s Day, make these promises to each other and give your relationship a new start. Promises are the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. The more thoughtful actions we take to keep our commitments, the stronger our emotional connections become. The promises you make to each other will undoubtedly guide you to that rewarding, mutual relationship. Be sure to grow your love for one another as you commit to fulfilling these simple vows. Taking this heartfelt step of making little promises will not only make your bond more solid but also ensure that your love will forever bloom like a fresh and vibrant flower. Stick to your promises and witness your life flourish!