P.O.V: You are into the first week of February, and you are out in the market. And all you can see are red hearts and pink flowers around you. Yes, you do realize what time of the year it is! 

Even though the 14th of February is a day to celebrate love with all excitement, joy, and gratitude for that one special person in your life, it can get overwhelming for those going through a rough patch in their relationships. If you have recently gone through a breakup or reached a point in your relationship where everything seems messed up, then it is very normal for you to feel a hint of sadness. 

But here is the thing: This special day doesn’t have to be for the ones who are insanely in love. Also, do you really think you need another person to be happy, be it Valentine’s Day or any other day! No, right? There are so many forms of love that deserve equal celebration just like romantic love. And what among them could be as good as loving yourself. So why not celebrate the wonderfully sufficient person you are with some of these fun ideas. 

Plan a Spa Day:


The best way to make yourself feel special on Valentine’s day could be indulging in a pampering session. It could be a D.I.Y spa day at home with face packs followed by a relaxing bath and some good music. Or you could buy yourself the ultimate spa day by scheduling a massage, a manicure at a local spa, and treat yourself like the queen you are! You are never going to regret taking out some time for self-care. 

Plan a day out with your Friends:

There’s nothing better than the time you spend with your gang. And there are chances of you not being the only single one in your friends’ group. So, what could be better than getting along with them to have some fun? You could plan for a game night or even go out for fun drinks and celebrate friendship. 

Buy a bouquet for Yourself:


I don’t think anyone will ever regret buying flowers for themselves! And since it’s Valentine’s Day, why wait to receive them? Head out to the market and scoop up some beautiful flowers for yourself. I am sure they will bring a smile to your face! Flowers are the best things one could buy and own. You can keep them for a couple of days to make any place look better. 

Treat Yourself:

If you want to spend the day entirely on your own that’s exactly what you should do. And Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to get all dressed and explore all the new restaurants and cafes in your area. To sweeten the deal, you can take along the book you have been wanting to read for the longest time. The invaluable peace atmosphere of a table for one will give you the best time of your life! 

Take a Solo Trip:


Traveling with a partner surely comes with its sweet deals! But imagine having the whole hotel room to yourself, with all the services just for you. And the best part, exploring a whole new place on your own! Also, you have the point of meeting new people and making wonderful memories with them. Doesn’t it sound all exciting? So, what’s keeping you waiting? Pick up your destination and start planning from now. I’m sure you will not be disappointed. 

Take a Movie Marathon:

This idea of having a movie marathon is the best for those willing to spend their day indoors. Pick out some of your favorite movies or a series you had been waiting for and grab some popcorn. Just relax and watch them all from your couch! Maybe watching a romantic movie would be the last option for you, so you should instead look out for something different. A rom-com without all the romantic complexities or with an unusual ending would be a good choice. 

Spend it as your Regular Day:

On a serious note, Valentine’s Day doesn’t necessarily require you to do something special! You can get through it without doing anything special and treating the day like any other day. Yes, sometimes just letting the day pass by can be the best thing. You wake up, brush your teeth, make some breakfast and get going with the day. Sometimes pretending that the holiday doesn’t exist can be an easy way to handle your feelings. Also, never forget that there will always be the next year! 

Sometimes having a partner is the last thing you need, and Valentine’s Day shouldn’t make you feel otherwise. If you have been single recently, I hope this blog helps! I wish you whatever makes you feel happy and never stop being your fabulous self.