Do not let your mood fall as fast as the temperature outside!

It is officially that time of the year when most of us feel as if only a very full, very strong pot of coffee could get us out of the bed!

By this time the days turn shorter, weather turns colder, and snow seems to cover every corner. With our working hours stretching long hours after the sun sets, most of us are left with very little time to enjoy the daylight. But keeping everything aside, you have many reasons to take a jump on beating those winter blues! So, no matter how shorter the days get or how low the temperatures drop outside, you got plenty of ways to lift your spirits and feel all good throughout the season. Continue reading this blog to find out ways you can battle the winter blues.

Maintain a well-balanced diet:

While winters make you crave for all sorts of comforting foods, you must make sure to maintain a heart-healthy diet to keep winter blues at bay! It will boost your mood by giving you more energy and stopping you from putting on weight during winters. This makes it crucial for you to consume lots of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, especially if you are prone to depression. And as a matter of fact, we all are aware of a strong relationship between our diet and mental health! So, think about what you are eating because that is going to make you feel in a certain way! Look out for balancing your diet – by replacing pastas and potatoes with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Put off something from your Bucket List:

The best thing you could do to motivate yourself is to do something you always wanted to do!

I’m sure there might be something you were always wanting to do but it somehow fell by the wayside. It could be anything – starting a new hobby, going on a trip, starting a new project, etc. Also, there are many fun activities that you could add to your winter bucket list. I have made a list of things that you could do in Fun Activities to do in Winters: Your Winter Bucket List! , do not forget to check this out.

Taking out time to do things that you were always meaning to do is good for your mental health. This will not only make you feel good about yourselves but also help you re-energize to keep the winter blues away!

Get yourselves Moving:

Exercise is as important as a well-balanced diet to get over moodiness during winters. A number of studies have been done that shows us the impact of exercise over our mental functioning. So, stave off any feelings of moodiness with a quick walk, run, cycling or other workout. It will release endorphins in your brain to boost your mood. A quick tip here is to look out for brighter spaces to exercise. Yes! Exercising in open spaces or in spaces with more light is good for your overall mental well-being. Unlike exercising in ordinary light that improves only your vitality, bright light will also help with social functioning, depressive symptoms and vitality too!

So, try incorporating this activity in your daily routine. You could start with a couple of times in a week and then gradually work upon it.

Maintain a good Sleep Schedule:

Maintaining a well-balanced sleeping pattern with enough sleep can help you feel good irrespective of the seasons. However, if you have symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, maintaining a good sleep cycle might help. You must make sure to have at least six to eight hours of sleep each night. Also, waking up with the sun in the morning might also be helpful in such cases.

Keep the Good ones close:

By now, you might have realized how important it is to surround yourself with good people. But if not then it is high time for you to curtail the time you spend with people you do not make you feel the best about yourself. Giving more time to such people will only lower your self esteem and not make you feel good at all.

Instead you must try to spend more time with people who always bring out the best in you. Be it winters or not, people who surround you are so crucial! So, keep close to the ones who actually love and support you.

Winters have their own share of inconveniences. But you need not worry about them! You could follow some of these tips to beat the winter blues and enjoy the season to your best. Apart from these you should consider talking more about how you feel to the close ones. Once you start sharing, I’m sure it will make you feel a little better. But in case you feel nothing you try works, reach out for professional help.