“Your eyes are like the ocean; I could swim in them all day”…Enough to break the ice.


The quote above describes a pickup line that will make you stand out. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we all have been either the recipient or sender of these pickup lines. Sometimes you hear yourself saying the line and start blushing.

Despite everything, flirting is the key step towards initiating a date. It is important to maintain a romantic relationship. Although we keep on flirting, what is flirting? And why do we flirt?

What exactly is flirting?

Well, flirting is a normal part of social interactions. While interacting with a date- it is one of the easiest ways to tell someone that they are single and ready to mingle. People can flirt with eyes, words, texts, and even body language. But not everyone flirts sexually; a few of them flirt for fun.

Reasons why people flirt?

        Have you ever wondered that ‘Why do people flirt so much?” Or maybe you have someone who always seems to be making eyes at you, but your friendship never progresses towards a romantic relationship? Then, we want to take the mystery out of the random flirting and give you the reasons why people flirt?

  • If you like someone: 

The most common answer to flirting is that people flirt because of the attraction. They often flirt when they are trying to attract a partner. They may even flirt when they have a crush on someone. How do people flirt with someone if they have a crush on?

  • Through text messages.
  • By drawing attention to themself.
  • By physical contact, such as putting a hand on someone’s shoulder.
  • By giving them various compliments.

The science of flirting is never easy to understand but in simple words, flirting is possible when two people like each other.

  • For Sport:

Is there anything more to flirting than just trying to find someone? Yes!

Unfortunately for some people, random flirting is done for the sake of flirting.

Some people flirt just to get phone numbers or sexual favors from others. It is called ‘Sport flirting’…It is used when one of both parties is already in a relationship, and flirting just comes naturally.

  • For personal gains:

It is something that is deeply rooted in personal gains. Flirting sexually- is not done out of genuine interest in some situations because people can take the advantage of a situation. It can also hurt people’s feelings or make someone embarrassed. It also makes someone feel special. For example, if someone is flirting with someone at work to climb the corporate ladder to something very innocent.

  • Keeping the spark alive:

Couples who flirt with each other stay together. Indeed, people continue to flirt with each other despite verbally and physically expressing their feelings for each other on special occasions. So, why do people flirt with their spouses then? Your partner does this to make you laugh and bring that shine to your face. It is a great way to make your spouse feel desired. It also helps them bring back all those fantastic feelings of flirtatious banter at the same time.

  • For sexual simulation:

  Another reason why people flirt is because of sexual stimulation. By looking at flirtatious acts, you get to know the uncontrollable sexual urges. They are trying to initiate a sexual encounter by flirting with a person they are attracted to.

  • An ego-boosting thing:

Flirting is done for personal gains, sexual favors, or anything else one thing is sure, it is done for fun. It is also a kind of gesture to make someone aware that they are special. It always makes us feel good. Flirting makes us feel good and has to do with the dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin releases when someone we like is around us.

Being a flirt is not a bad thing. Just make sure that you are never leading anyone on unintentionally. So, if you start to get the feeling that you have been flirting with someone you are not interested in, change your direction. Never be afraid to speak about it.