Hi Julia,
Money, or my perception of it, significantly impacts my life. Can money truly buy happiness? But if I don’t deal with my money wounds, I will be frustrated for years. I feel like my finances are slipping away. Throughout my life, I developed unwise financial habits and made poor money choices. How can I correct these mistakes?
Many thanks.
Hi Josie,
I know, since money is what drives the world. No worries, I have a few tips to make sure everything goes smoothly with your finances.
1. Let your money smile
Money will come to you if you make it happy and have a close relationship with it. It is that easy. Having Happy Money or Sad Money is a choice you make for yourself. Quantity is irrelevant-it’s how you perceive it that matters.
Consider a scenario in which you have $20 in your purse. If money is earned ethically and squarely by serving others, then it is smiling. Stealing it or earning it by taking advantage of other people’s inadequacies is crying. Saying thank you when you get it makes your money smile. It is probably crying if you received it unconsciously or out of shame.
Have a go at it. It offers a lighter, more pleasurable way to handle your money and works wonders for your mental health.
2. Transform Your Money Perception
The presence of money itself is neutral. Unlike popular belief, it’s neither demonic nor angelic. The choice is ours whether we use it for good or evil.
We grew up with our beliefs about money, whether taught by our parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, or teachers.
It can’t grow on trees.
Spend less, save more.
Cheaper is better.
Sounds familiar, no?
Don’t despair. Our belief systems about money were skew-wif when we were growing up.
Here are a few exercises to remedy this:
- Find a quiet spot and let your eyes close while you take a deep breath. Imagine that money is sitting across from you in a calm mental disposition. Any image that naturally springs to mind may be a person, a shape, or a color.
- Stay attentive. Listen to its message. Does it seem angry? Ugly? Alluring? What are your thoughts about it? Discover its origins.
- Identify the beliefs you have about money without judgment, and combine them into a ball of energy between your hands. Let it have a color. Turn to the left as you hold this sphere of biased beliefs.
- Imagine your parents (or whoever first enlightened you) sitting across from you with open arms. Return the ball of beliefs to them, telling them, “This is your pain” ‘So I’m returning it to you now.’ Respectively release it and thank your ancestors.
- Go back to your money perception. Now that you see the chair as neutral and clean. Try looking at it again.
3. Say thanks!
Thank you give us a sense of collective consciousness, a sense of unity, rather than egoic self-centeredness. Affirmations attract miracles to your lives by creating win-win situations for you and others.
Giving more leads to receiving more. The more grateful you become, the more generous and appreciative you become.
If you’re facing a tight financial situation at the moment, giving may seem strange. You might find it unnatural to focus on what you possess rather than what you lack. However, if you wish to pave the way to receiving more, this is a practice worth investigating. The more you appreciate, the more things you have to be grateful for, including money. A mindset of abundance begins with appreciation.
Test it out and see how it works. Be sure to update me.