The colorful vines of Bougainvilleas with their “always ready for a party” demeanor make them the ‘darling’ of backyard growers. If you were to look around in a garden full of flowers, I am sure your eyes will never miss the irresistible, gorgeous shades of these bougainvilleas. They will amaze you with a variety of shades including, bright pink, peaceful white, and overwhelming oranges! When taken good care of, they reward the owner with an abundance of color and vitality. 

So, if you are looking out for adding a splash of color to your garden (or to your day), we have got you covered with some tips to grow these lovelies! 


Bougainvillea Overview

Also known as paper flowers, these are beautiful tropical vines with heart-shaped leaves and masses of vibrant bracts (paper-thin flowers). These bracts bloom in abundance on thorny branches and encircle tiny white flowers. Yes, the colorful parts on a bougainvillea plant are actually the leaves and not petals! They grow about 15 to 20 feet in height and require the support of a wall, arbor, or trellis. 


These plants grow mostly in the warmest regions of the world, including Mexico, the Mediterranean, India, and the southern parts of the United States. A fun fact associated with its name takes us back to 1768 when Philibert Commercon, a French explorer, saw these flowers blooming in their native home in Brazil, and he named them after his friend, Louis Antoine de Bougainville.

Bougainvillea growing in the garden are our favorites, but did you know these plants grow well in pots too? Yes, with proper care and some growing tips, you can get them healthy and all flowery throughout the season. 

Tips for Bougainvillea Care in Pots

Sufficient Exposure

Whether planted in a pot or a garden, these plants require at least five hours a day of full sunlight. The right amount of exposure and sunlight will make your plant bloom in abundance and good looking. Lack of enough sunlight will make your Bougainvillea look thin and edgy, and the flowers will lack their vibrant color! So, to make them look all colorful and full-grown, it is essential to put them under full sun. Though these plants can survive under the partial sun, they will not grow to their fullest due to lack of sunlight. Your Bougainvilleas love sunlight, so put them under full sun to them flower fully.

Regular Watering

Growing Bougainvillea in pots will require you to water them regularly. However, during months that are hotter, you need to water them thoroughly at least twice a week. And in case they look dried-out or stressed, you might need to water them more often. But during winters, watering them every two to three weeks will work. Also, you might need to avoid watering them mornings that are foggy and cool! 

Here you also need to consider the age of your plant. During the initial years, that is, in the first few years, you need to water them regularly. It is essential to check the soil because you will have to water them when the top two to three inches of soil have dried out. But once they have been rooted well into the soil, they become more drought-tolerant. So, then they prefer deep-waterings at intervals rather than frequent shallow waterings.

When planted in pots, it is necessary for the pots to have proper drain holes. It will ensure good drainage and make sure that the soil is well-drained too! This is important to help prevent root rots of the plant. 

 Feeding your Bougainvilleas

These plants do not ask much during planting or even as a part of care and maintenance. But one good way to fertilize your Bougainvilleas could be by adding a combination of worm compost (layer about 1 inch from the top) and compost (for about 2 inches). It will provide excellent moisture to your plant while at the same time nourishing it! 

However, if your plant needs extra fertilizers, you can go in with the palm and hibiscus food. It is yet another popular option that most people use for their Bougainvilleas. The only thing you will have to keep in mind is not to overdo the fertilizers. Using it the minimum, say twice or thrice a year, should work fine.

Keep away the Pests:

One of the common pests to bother tender Bougainvilleas are the orange aphids. But you can get away from them by just spraying a gentle blast of garden hose! Yes, that’s the trick. 

Another issue with these plants could be the Looper Caterpillar or, as commonly known, inchworms. These are about an inch long and are green, brown in color. You can just let them be as they eventually go away after chomping on a few leaves. 


When it comes to repotting Bougainvilleas, you might reconsider the idea! These are plants that do not like their roots being disturbed. So, in case you are planning to repot yours, be as careful as possible and try not to touch their sensitive roots. It would be a success if you left your plant initially in the grow pot itself. 


As mentioned earlier, the more sun, the more it blooms! Yes, they love the sun, and they tend to grow year-round in warmer climates. But in places where winters are cool, these plants will bloom for about eight to nine months. 

There are hundreds of different varieties of these plants, and some of them bloom more than others. And some of them tend to change color with the season. The color of the bracts is more intense when the temperature is cool. And they will become lesser intense as the weather turns hot.

Once in full bloom, these Bougainvilleas are sure to put out a big show of color for you! 

Lastly, there is another thing that you might want to consider when growing Bougainvilleas in pots. It is the size of the pot that should be proportionate to the size of the plant. Some of them grow as big as 25 feet tall, with proper support. And these will need bigger pots for them to grow well. Keeping all of these things in mind will add up to the aesthetics of your garden.

Happy Growing! I hope this blog helps you make your garden all colorful and vibrant.