Hi Kiara!
First of all, I like the way you give your relationship advice. I got to know about you through my husband Joey. He was all praises for you. While I was having a conversation with him, I somehow got to know how emotionally broken my man was. Hence, I wanted to write to you about this. Kiara, can you tell me how does an emotionally damaged man show his love for his woman? Would he play with her feelings? Will he hide his fear or hurt with anger? Do let me know about this, would be waiting for your revert on the same.
Dear Malina,
Yes, Joey has written me a couple of times. I had always advised him to stay strong and express his love for you. Every time he has written to me, he never forgot to mention how beautiful and kind-hearted you are Malina. I am glad that we are communicating over this platform. Also, about your question, I think that everything depends on how ’emotionally damaged’ your man is and what kind of human being he was. Also, what kind of personality and character did he have before the emotional breakdown took place.
And how well he learned from those past episodes.
For example:
1.) A man whose dad died shortly after he was born and his mother died when he was 10, leaving the man to harvest wheat and take care of himself. Then he becomes a combat soldier who sustained further damage. This man was my father. Damaged? Flawed? Not an easy man in many ways, right? But, my mother and my father adored each other and were happily married until his last breath. He was a good father to me.
2.) Then there was another man who grew up in an affluent part of the country with his siblings and parents who had deeply cared for him. He had all the material advantages. But this man’s parents used to fight their demons to the emotional disadvantage of themselves. Still, there was no abuse and no neglect. This man had an incredible amount of potential and adventures that were not wise. But this man finds himself as a victim in all things and is responsible for nothing. But, all I can say is, there was a lot of misunderstanding at every step. And it is shame because there was enormous potential there.
3.) Now, how will you tell the difference at first glance, second or third? None! You have to take your time. Assume nothing and be honest with yourself when the answers fit and make sense. Also, refrain from making excuses. So, my point dear Malina is that trust your perception and life experience. Expect character and empathy because that is the minimum you should expect of any human being regardless of how broken they are. And remember, you cannot repair him by allowing him to break you.
Hugs back,