Men aren’t supposed to cry, at least according to some. As if by default, they should stand rock straight and stoic.

It is illogical in its entirety. Men are human, and humans have complex emotions. We are all nuanced beings, with various levels of weakness, insecurity, fear, and myriad other feelings.

On the surface, they may seem oblivious or nonchalant, or enraged. But in reality, they are averse to socializing during times of grief. Below are such situations that will prove that men cry.

Possible Reasons When Men Cry


One of the things that can make men cry is heartbreak in love. Losing a loved one can move them to tears if they possess feelings for them. Even cheating spouses or girlfriends can move them to tears.

While guys often conceal their grief in broken relationships, this doesn’t mean they don’t cry over them.

Physical pain

Surely, pain can lead to human tears. The hormone testosterone prevents guys from crying more often, but it does not stop them entirely.

While men may have a higher threshold for agony than women, they are not exempt from the natural laws of crying when they suffer.

He’ll sob from discomfort if he has an injury that prevents him from doing his usual activities. As well, he may cry if he was injured or underwent surgery.

Emotional film

Often, watching certain movies brings tears to the eyes of viewers. Sad scenes can even make guys cry. Having a sentimental soundtrack, a nostalgic storyline, and touching events can create a tear-jerker. When a guy tears, it means he is emotionally attached to the characters and the storyline.

Another person’s struggle

People are more likely to relate to real-life suffering than watching a movie. Why? Because it’s real. Even if a guy does not cry when watching someone’s struggles in a film, he might shed a tear upon hearing them personally.

Divorce of parents

It can cause a guy to cry since most people hate seeing their parents split up. It’s unsettling to hear your parents are getting a divorce, regardless of the circumstances. Reminiscences about the hurt the incident caused can bring them to tears.

Family reunion

Not all tears stem from grief or sorrow. Sometimes, they come from joy. Reuniting with family is an event that makes a guy weep with joy.

The reunion of family members who have lived apart their entire lives will undoubtedly be heart-warming and emotional enough to make anyone cry.

Financially troubled

In terms of their finances, most men anticipate a prosperous future. Their ultimate goal is to be able to afford certain things in life. It could be moving to a new apartment or buying a car. Men can also cry over money, usually when their plans fail or they are unable to fulfill pending needs.

Getting married

Marriage is one of the most beautiful experiences of a man’s life. Wedding days tend to be emotional for women more than for men. But hold on! Some men can get teary-eyed just watching their wives walk down the aisle. Love or the touching nature of the situation can account for much of this reaction. Just seeing a picture of themselves in wedding attire can stir up warm feelings.

Birth of a child

The birth of a child is undeniably beautiful, which is why men cry when they witness it. After a stressful pregnancy, delivering a baby will undoubtedly be emotionally challenging. Fathers often come to tears by watching his child grow over time.

Seeing their first steps, hearing their first words, and watching them start and finish school will be memorable experiences.

Unforeseen events

Most of the time, unexpected occurrences are what bring guys to tears. Males generally would bottle up their emotions until they could deal with them effectively on their own. It might make him cry, knowing he cannot change the past. However, life reveals everyone’s emotional side.

I think it’s necessary to put an end to the whole “real men don’t cry” thing. The time has come to do away with those negative statements such as “suck it up” or “be a man” that encourage men to bottle up their emotions and express frustration through anger and aggression.

It’s normal for men to cry. There are times when men feel upset, sad, and depressed. They feel insecure about their bodies, abilities and may experience frustration, loss, and grief.

The real men aren’t just farmers, miners, or construction workers; they are singers, artists, writers, and dancers. In addition to whiskey and beer, they like to swig fruity cocktails. They are doctors, lawyers, and CEOs, but also childcare providers and stay-at-home fathers as well.

Men are allowed, heck, to feel. Crying is okay. Being emotional is okay.

Feelings do not make you any less of a man. Crying is not a sign of weakness. It is okay to be vulnerable. Let your heart out. Share your insecurities. I’m here to listen.

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