There is one question all of us get asked probably more than any other by our female friends: Can a woman ask a man out? And while this question may be a rhetorical one, rarely, the person asking this does not know the answer. It might be already a test of the current cultural barometer than anything else, and the best way to answer this is by explaining this normal thing. We know how frustrating this reality can be, especially, when a guy who likes you is not doing any asking. And we necessarily, do not agree with it and respect a woman who takes the lead.
If the roles get reversed, and it was up to us as a gender to charm you into asking men out, so what is the problem? Men find it weird when a girl shoots this question. Also, some men would love it if a woman asked them to go on a date. Also, nowadays, times are changing, and a girl asking a guy out is not an odd thing anymore.
- Most men find it interesting if a woman asks them out. While, in most cases, most men have been conditioned to make the first move some find it extremely stressful. Some males are shyer or fear the risk of asking a girl out, and because of this, they take the back seat. To them, this is something very refreshing to have a girl asking them out on a date.
- Making the first move does not make us ‘desperate’. We need to forget that negative notion that goes out with it. Taking the lead is never taboo. It simply means that we know what we want and that we are not ashamed of it. Any guy who makes a woman feel bad is someone whom we would not want, to be with anyway.
- The more straightforward we are, the better we are. Sometimes, we need to drop a couple of hints to ask them out. However, the best thing to do is to be clear about it. At times, signs and hints are difficult to understand.
- It is not a big deal if a guy says ‘NO’…Another important thing we need to understand is that just because someone does not accept our invitation does not mean that we should never ask a guy out again. It is the risk all of us need to take.
- Ask a guy on fun or a casual date. While we would like a romantic date, most guys would appreciate the fin and casual dating thing where the atmosphere is not too serious. It helps a woman to understand him better.
Girls, the man you have your eyes on may very well be interested in you, but with all the #MeToo things, he may not want his intentions to be misunderstood. One in three men worries that their first move would be considered as sexual harassment. So, here is what you can do:
  1.) Ask him out on a group date:
Most women fear rejection. You may be a leader at work or maybe known as the outgoing person in your group, but the idea of a man saying you ‘NO’ can put you down. So, this strategy is good. Ask him to go out with you and your friends. From the outside, it looks like a bunch of friends are having a chilling time. And for you, it’s a chance to discover him even more.
  2.) Ask him out for a cup of coffee:
Coffee is a safe activity that few people will turn down if they are available. If he is not into you and makes a great deal out of it, all you can say is that it’s just a coffee.
3.) Leveraging your interests:
A guy in your friend circle is as into mountaineering as you are. It is an interesting opportunity for you to turn that common hobby into something special. The best way to ask a guy out is to do so in a very natural way.
  4.) Using a terrible pickup line:
This thing will help you master how to ask a guy out anywhere. You want to engage in conversation and also make an everlasting impression on him. You can choose any pickup line for a smooth start and a great laugh. So, getting a guy to laugh helps you break that ice and makes it easy for you to ask him out.
Ladies, asking a guy out is not that difficult. Also, instead of viewing this as taboo, let us make it easy and normal for a woman to take the lead.
So, if you agree to disagree, please leave your comments below.
So, here are a few things to remember before you decide to take that plunge: