It is true that, in the end, we all want to feel great and be happy. The same is true for LGBTQ individuals. We all strive for a fulfilling and joyful life, regardless of age, gender, marital status, and sexual orientation. It’s also important to them to live an unencumbered life, ideally with the person they love.

But unfortunately, people who identify as LGBTQ have a hard time finding happiness and love because of prejudice and homophobia.

Listed below are a few thoughts on queer happiness. We here at an InsteadThis hope that these thoughts can make a significant difference in their lives and bring a smile to their faces.

Welcome to the Pleasure Land!

The moment you discover that you’re not heterosexual, your first thought is: ‘Now what?’. A person’s true self comes to light when they find their unique niche in society and embrace it. One way to achieve each of these things is to be outspoken.

LGBTQ people have experienced the pain of discrimination and exclusion daily. There is often little acceptance of LGBTQ people from their own families as well as from their schools.

Acceptance is what LGBTQ people need, not prejudice.

Daily Homophobic Viewpoint

People easily stumble across the term homophobia when talking about LGBTQ people who face discrimination. It is incorrect to use this term, despite its frequency. It isn’t that people are afraid of homos (phobia), but rather that they lack acceptance towards them.

Many people are unwilling or unable to accept same-gender relationships due to ignorance, religious belief, cultural norms, or other reasons. Some of these beliefs also impact transgender people.

Our visual guises are our most visible reminders of who we are and whether we want to blend in or stand out.
Perhaps you’re a banker wearing a sharp suit or a hipster carrying designer bags. Fashion is a way of expressing our individuality, but at our core, we are all alike!

With no shame, no concessions, and in total equality, we deserve to be loved utterly.

Living as a Queer

Your unique characteristics are what make you unique. No matter what your sexual orientation is (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or queer), this space is for you. It’s our privilege to have you because you’re a valuable member of our community, so be proud of yourself.

But many young people who identify as queer have trouble feeling proud. Youth suicide rates between the ages of 12 and 25 are four to eight times greater than those of heterosexual young people. It is particularly challenging for young gay men to deal with the lack of support from their families since they are often worried about how their families will react.

According to a WHO study published in 2018, one-third of the participating 13,000 young people from eight European countries admitted to having suicidal thoughts. Are they all struggling with the same issue? Yes, it’s their homosexuality.

Similarly, teens who have been experiencing the same sexuality throughout their adolescence, but do not identify as heterosexual or bisexual, also suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.

These experiences can impact your development and happiness immensely. Discrimination, stigmatization, and rejection have very detrimental effects on a person’s well-being. LGBTQ people often experience anxiety due to societal pressures and prejudices.
But the more we learn to embrace our differences, the less we’re held back by fear and existential dread.

Fulfillment and happiness can come from accepting your sexuality.

Live Life to the Fullest

You do not have to hide your true self, just be yourself. That is the only way you can ultimately find happiness and fulfillment. Feeling happy inside can only occur when you become comfortable with yourself.

The possibilities are endless: no obstacle is insurmountable, so instead of dwelling on the past, focus on your future. Getting higher, further, and faster isn’t always the best thing to do. As an alternative, worship the things you already possess. Your happiness will surely follow.

Try your best to learn from your mistakes until you know better.

Discover your Tribe

We often feel unfit throughout childhood and even in adulthood, whether as geeks, gays, tomboys, shy, or whatever else.
Your journey to attaining success and finding a whole new family begins when you find your own ‘tribe‘ of peers who are like-minded. Like-minded people provide support, inspiration, a great sense of belonging, and a lot of fun.

Pay them no mind if they aren’t paying your bills!

Ignore those who criticize you or your life. Their opinions do not matter to you. Additionally, you should cut out the negative people in your life: people who constantly make fun of your sexuality, berate your physique, or are perpetually pessimistic.

Stop listening to these self-defeating thoughts and start focusing on your goals. Take good care of yourself: love and accept yourself despite your faults. We are all unique and deserve love. Be thoughtful, let go of your worries, and enjoy the moment!