As Maya Angelou rightly puts it, “When women take care of their health, they become their best friend.” 

Being the primary caregivers, women need to remember to take care of themselves! Caring for the body requires listening to its needs and honoring them. By the age of 30, the female body requires you to pay extra attention to it. At this stage, women have different biological needs as well as unique goals for their bodies. The 30s is a prime time for a woman’s body because the body starts showing some subtle changes. You can see those changes with the first strain of grey hair or with the declining bone density. 

With all the bodily changes, it is necessary to take good care of the body by making a few healthy lifestyle changes. It becomes a smart investment for the future! 

One of the best ways to boost nutrition level at any age could be taking vitamins and other supplements. Now, choosing the correct vitamin can often get overwhelming! Yes, because with the zillion options available in the market, you can get stuck with the right one for your body type. So before going out for a particular vitamin, every woman must consider her diet, lifestyle, routine, and the purpose of taking the vitamin. All of these factors are crucial in deciding their advantage to your body.

This blog is for all my lovely ladies who strive to live healthier lives in their 30s. Since choosing the correct vitamin could be a daunting decision, so we have tried to break it down for you. But before getting into the supplements, here are some nutrients and their good sources:

·       Iron: Leafy greens such as spinach are good sources of iron. Other food items rich in iron include red meat, white beans, seafood, and lentils.

·       Folic Acid: Veggies are a good source of Folic acid, particularly Spinach and Broccoli. Oranges, avocados are some other sources.

·       Vitamin D: Protein-rich foods such as egg yolks, fatty fish are the best sources of Vitamin D. Other than that, soaking a good amount of sunlight also helps.

·       Calcium: Dairy products are excellent sources of Calcium. Salmon, Sardines, Tofu, and Kale are other good sources.

5 Essential Vitamins for Women

1.    Build up your bones with Calcium.

In the 30s, the female body tends to lose bone mass and strength. As studies suggest, women are more likely to be affected by diseases that weaken bones in their bodies. By the time a woman reaches her late 30s (and then in the menopause and post-menopause stage), the process of weakening accelerates because the body produces less estrogen.

So, women need to get enough of it for lifelong bone health. And when taken in conjunction with Vitamin D, it becomes the best support for maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium from foods while promoting bone health. As mentioned above, dairy products, including, milk are high in calcium sources.

For women between 20-50 years of age, a daily dose of 500mg calcium supplement is ideal for maintaining healthy bones. Other than that, consuming an adequate amount of calcium-rich foods will help! 

2.Folic Acid:

Also referred to as Folate or B9, Folic acid helps in cell production and promotes brain health. It helps in maintaining the overall health of a female body, especially during the 30s. 

It is the time when most women plan to get pregnant. And in the first few weeks, most of them are not aware of their pregnancy. At this point, Folic acid prevents neural tube abnormalities in the fetus, such as spina bifida. So, during these childbearing years, women must consider taking supplements containing folic acid.

Besides supplements, consuming greens such as spinach, asparagus, and cantaloupe are a few great sources of folic acid.

3. Strengthen with Iron:

I am sure all of us are well aware of the diseases associated with a lack of iron in the body. So, women hitting 30 cannot afford to miss on iron supplements!

The red blood cells in the body carry oxygen to the different parts, and iron help to maintain the level of these red blood cells. We get that some people do not consume iron tablets because of their side effects, such as stomachache, nausea, headache, etc. But lack of iron in the body will fail to produce sufficient amounts of hemoglobin. It will then affect the level of oxygen in different parts of your body. As a result, you will feel weak, tired and in worst cases, you might become anemic. 

So even if you hesitate to take supplements, consider consuming foods that are rich in iron:

  • Leafy Greens (Spinach)
  • Red Meat
  • Beans
  • Shellfish
  • Pomegranate

4. Our Favorite Antioxidants!

How could we not include antioxidants in this list? Vitamin C & E are the best sources of antioxidants. 

The best part about these vitamins is that they are available in most foods that we consume. So, here it saves you from taking additional supplements. But you must consume a sufficient amount of those foods to keep the antioxidants flowing in your body. Pecans, Blueberries, Dark chocolates, Citrus fruits are some of the foods loaded with antioxidants. 

Women benefit a lot from Vitamin C. It helps in giving you that healthy, glowing skin inside out. It controls the production of collagen, which is responsible for a youthful, soft, and elastic appearance!

5. Boost your energy with Vitamin B:

For active women, multitasking comes very naturally. And for carrying out all these activities, you will have to be fully energized. Vitamin B is the best source of energy. It boosts energy levels by helping the body produce energy from the food consumed. 

Vitamin B comprises eight different vitamins including, 

B1 – Thiamine

B2 – Riboflavin

B3 – Niacin

B5 – Pantothenic Acid

B6 – Pyridoxine 

B12 – Cobalamin

Folic Acid

Diet alone may not be enough for every woman! So you might want to include these vitamins and supplements in your health regime. When combined with a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep, you will always be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Irrespective of your age, paying attention to bodily needs is very crucial. You must understand the factors affecting your health and then go for the necessary supplements. However, it is equally essential to check with a gynecologist before taking any supplements.

I hope you found my blog helpful. Leave your thoughts below in the comments section!