(We are talking about it!)
Historically, heterosexual romantic relationships talked about men courting and ‘keeping’ women. Maybe, according to people, it is a powerful tradition. So, whether it is about asking someone out, being the breadwinner in the family, or picking up the bill, many romantic ideas are still based on men being the directors and women being the caretakers. But these days, our society is evolving. Women are entering the ‘male domains’ of sexual freedom and high-powdered jobs. So, how does this affect their overall romance and gender equality in a relationship?
Traditionally, women’s main route to luxury and wealth involved attracting high-status partners. But when gender equality came into being, cultural scripts about romance have trimmed women’s social roles.
For example, when adolescent girls narrate their first sexual experience, they refer to it as something that just ‘happened to them’ -whereas boys are pretty normal. They do not show this lack of agency. Maybe this power imbalance also occurs in adults, with men more likely ‘leading’ to initiate romance than a female. But researchers these days say that heterosexual women are increasingly adopting active roles in initiating romance.
Men do believe that gender equality causes relationship problems. But this is not the case.
One way of introspecting this issue is to look at what happens when couples shift away from their traditional family roles, with men taking the lead in doing their household chores. Researches show that couples who live together suggest that greater equality in earning income and doing the household chores is associated with healthy relationship and stability too. It has also proved that when husbands take on lead roles in housework, divorces are less. Also, when men take paternity leave, it contributes to higher marital stability.
There is also a darker side to traditional relationships. The dominant male role in relationships always created problems because it socialized men into a culture of violence.
One of the reasons for gender equality is the endorsement of traditional cultural scripts of romance. This in turn has led to a heavy burden on men and women. Having to ‘perform’ according to the standards, it gets harder for people to develop true intimacy. So, here are the reasons why gender equality makes people happy:
Gender equality gives everyone equal opportunities: Education is the only key to attracting the right opportunities. They say that in today’s world, men are more educated than women. Hence, they get better opportunities than women. So, without many options, women are forced into marriages or human trafficking. Also, it gets difficult for a woman to leave a toxic relationship without education. So, this gender equality starts with education, and everyone gets the opportunity to improve their lives.
- It is good for children:
When women make their own reproductive choices, it helps in improving their life. They can take better care of their children and choose a healthy life. Having equal pay with women, women can provide good healthcare, better food, and greater opportunities for their kids.
- It helps in marginalizing racial groups:
Gender-based discrimination is closely associated with racial discrimination. In many cases, women belong to marginalized racial groups, and they get treated low as compared to other women. Hence, gender equality should be intersectional. It requires an acknowledgment of different identities and unique discriminations women have to face.
- It is great for men:
Gender equality benefits both men and women. When there is gender equality in a relationship, men have more freedom to be vocal about their choices. It extends into the career field, as well. Because ‘no job’ is only restricted for women. Men can take parental leave and consider having a good family time without discrimination. Also, increased freedom of expression leads to more happiness. With gender equality, men do not have to face much pressure to fit into this stereotype.
- It is healthy for the economy:
When both girls and boys get equal opportunities and jobs, it benefits society. Researchers show that a diverse workplace talks more about productivity. Researches also show that businesses that put women as leads in their leadership roles and they perform better. Also, equal pay, equal education reduces poverty and improves its GDP.
- Good for all:
Men, women, and children benefit from gender equality. It also helps in addressing racial discrimination and improves overall business. It is healthy for everyone.
When you promote gender equality in a relationship, you work as a team and build a healthy life.