There is nothing else that can equal the feelings of heart-pounding giddiness that come with finding new love. During those first weeks and months, excitement and attraction are at their highest.
But after a while, you settle into a routine, and life’s obligations tend to snuff out the romance. So, what can we do to keep the spark alive throughout the years, decades, and beyond?
Over time, the initial attraction will fade, but the foundation of trust and love will remain. Relationships can be challenging, and both partners must work hard to ensure they don’t drift apart. Being able to show your love to someone you love is a pleasure, not a chore.
So, no matter how long you’ve been together, you can still have a passionate romance.
1. Discover Your Partner’s Love Language
It is imperative to learn your partner’s love language, including how they respond to gifts, spending time together, having physical contact, and receiving affirmations.
It is always best to surprise your loved ones with unexpected love notes to show how much you care for them. Words of affirmation are among the most influential love languages, so make them part of your routine to develop your relationships.
2. Keep In Touch Frequently
It is always comforting to know that your partner thinks about you. Don’t you think so? …and the best part is? Thanks to today’s technology, you can do it within seconds. If you text periodically throughout the day, you can keep each other informed about how the day is going and encourage one another. These messages sometimes take a romantic turn. We love it!
3. Be Attentive To Each Other’s Needs
When you are in a distance relationship for four years or more. What is that glue that holds you together? All you need is to recognize and satisfy each other’s needs. It is crucial to anticipate each other’s needs when we are at a distance to keep our relationship sparking. It is essential to share the same vision.
Let’s consider an example. You were running low on dog meals, and the next day your boyfriend brought you a 40-pound bag of dog food. “Keeping the spark alive requires a willingness to be there without being asked, not just providing physical gifts.”
4. Go on weekly dates
Spending quality time together (regularly) is what keeps your relationship strong, whether it is a nice dinner out, a cozy night in, a hiking adventure, or a weekend away. You can maintain a deep connection between you and your partner by spending some quality time together every week. During lunch dates, you can discuss the things you are dealing with in life that you may not otherwise discuss.
Switching up your routine keeps things interesting. Don’t be afraid to try something new, for after all, “either you like it, or you hate it!”
5. Embrace Differences
Two people will always have divergent viewpoints, and when conflict arises, appreciating and respecting your partner’s point of view will positively resolve arguments.
Recognition of each other’s strengths every day is an excellent way to control [the stress] and keep relationships healthy. In general, embracing your differences and not trying to change your partner is key to a successful long-term relationship.
6. Be Introspective About Physical Intimacy
No matter how well-established your relationship is, physical intimacy always fizzles out. Maintaining stable relationships requires open communication. The first step to appreciating intimacy in relationships is to recognize that even though there is a lot of passion at the beginning of the relationship, that enthusiasm tends to subside as time passes. You should always be open to discussing your needs, expectations, and interests during your sexual relationship. This will helps you avoid unnecessary conflict and encourages you to converse about them even if they are uncomfortable.
By checking in on your love life once a month, you can avoid putting it on the back burner and keep it on track. Are you filled with sexual love? Are you getting close in a physical way? Now is not the time to blame or shame, but to express your wishes responsibly. To resolve a discrepancy in your desires, each of you should pick one problem to tackle in one month.
7. Exercise Separate Interests
It’s fantastic to share the same interests (and to some extent, it’s necessary), but it’s also important to have hobbies and social circles of your own.
Keep in touch with your friends’ groups and encourage your partner to do the same. Nurture a close relationship without apologizing between you and them. “Never ask for permission to see your friends.”
Ultimately, love = verb :
Saying “I love you” is one thing, but expressing it in your relationship in different ways each day is quite another. A life co-created by two people who have opposing dreams, goals, and experiences can be difficult.
The way we love differs from person to person since we don’t all love in the same way. Some people find love in action by preparing meals and doing dishes. Others see it as an opportunity to engage in deep, meaningful conversation. It is important to focus on finding out what “does” love for you and what you want from your partner so you can act accordingly.