What the actual situation is?

So, guys have you ever been in this situation: You finally get the courage to ask out your gorgeous date you have had your eyes on for a while. One fine day, you text her and invite her to join you for a drink. To your surprise, she says ‘yes!

She then makes an odd request, asking you if she can bring a friend along with her. What will you say?

Also, let’s assume if she doesn’t even ask. She just shows up with her best friend on this planned date? Then, what will you do?

The real reason why she gets her ‘friend’ along with her:

Many women are guilty of turning a potentially romantic meet into a social event by bringing their best friends, sometimes without even informing their date about it. It can be a bit awkward for their potential date. Hence, most men get pissed off and probably lose interest in their date. Many reasons can make a woman feel this urge to bring a friend on a date. Maybe, because she is not comfortable meeting the guy alone. Hence, she brings a friend as backup, which is a fair and prudent thing to do. Or maybe for her, it is not a ‘real’ date, and she considers the evening as a friend hangout activity. Whatever the case, you should never act irrationally or get mad when your date brings her best friend. It might be an inconvenience, but it is still possible to impress the ‘date’ of your dreams even when your first date might be a social event for you.

Your first date is your time to actually meet someone and see if they are interested enough to see you again. So, instead of automatically assuming that she is joining you just for free drinks and doesn’t like you, think the other way round. Always make sure that you look at it as a chance to spend some time with the girl of your dreams and getting to meet someone new.

When she asks you and you turn down her request to bring her friend, she will dislike you. You also risk offending her friend. So, just imagine, if things work out between you guys, you never know your date’s friend might be a big fan of you. Just go with the flow. What is the worst that will happen? These are just the basic dating etiquette you should follow to impress your ‘date’…

What if this gets repeated?

    A girl may not like to meet someone she has only been speaking to on the dating app on her own, which in some cases can be understandable. She may want to know how the person she is meeting handles himself in a more social situation than a one-to-one discussion. At times, she might also think that meeting someone under any circumstances the first time is easier if a third party is there to help break the ice. But, if this gets on repeating frequently, then you should politely make your date understand that you want to spend some quality time with only ‘her’. You should not sound angry and put your point in a precise yet ‘kind’ way. 

Also, if you want to have a one-on-one conversation with her without making her uncomfortable, you can invite your friend too. Your friend will give the company to your date’s friend, while you will get to know her. Also, if you don’t have someone to come along, simply go along with it. I know, in this situation, you may lower the odds of outright romance a tiny bit, but so what? Is there some kind of rush? If you and your ‘date’ get along well, there are good odds that the more romantic parts will happen at a later date, isn’t it?