When it comes to dating, certain things can be difficult to overlook. So, while going for dates or hangouts, certain things might turn you off. Some things can annoy you. There are things that you do not want in your relationships. For example, maybe you hate it when someone has crooked teeth or something that makes you feel irritated. These things are known as deal-breakers. These are the things that you should have (or not have) in your relationship to sustain your relationship. A deal breaker is a factor that needs to be given due considerations when deciding if you want something or not. Yes, it may sound hard; but no relationship is perfect. But, at least having a list of your relationship deal breakers is a good way to protect yourself from toxic circumstances. People, deal-breakers come in all sizes and shapes, but be careful because if you are too picky, you will end up with the only person you can seem to tolerate.


 Many new relationships are dead from the beginning because past experiences spill over into the next. When this happens, all the baggage of your past relationships while dating comes running into your mind. Initially, it may seem helpful, but carrying the burden of your past relationship often wreaks havoc on the new one because you are no longer seeing this person for their pluses.


So, if you have been in the dating zone, aside from all the amazing first kisses, some people you run into may possess some very annoying and intolerable habits. So, here is the list of most common dating deal breakers:

  • INCONSISTENCY is the first deal-breaker:

So, if you are dating someone who is here today and gone tomorrow, then; these signs are not good. If someone wants to date you and want to know you, they will pull out all of the stops. Wondering where that person maybe could cause a lot of friction, and it will piss you off. So, never ignore a person who is always inconsistent.

•             LACK OF INTEREST tops the second position:

So, if you feel that you are doing all of the work and the other person is coasting by, then; there is something very fishy. One-sided relationships never last. Both the partners have to put an effort to make this relationship work. There are just little things in the relationship that matters. For example: Have they shown any interest in your likings? The kind of career you want, or do they know your favorite color? These little things play a crucial role in any relationship.


So, if you are dating someone who does not know how to respect your values, then; they will treat you the way they want. Hence, it is always better to teach people how to treat you. Set standards and stand firmly in them.

For example:

 If you say no phone calls after a certain point of time and if they still call you, try not to answer them. If you are not comfortable in any situation, have the guts to speak up for yourself. Never give someone the liberty to treat you disrespectfully. Also, if they do, then make sure that you show them the door.

•             POOR COMMUNICATION can destroy everything:

In every aspect of your life, communication is always the key. Without communication, nothing can survive. So, if you are dating someone and they do not communicate properly, then that is an ultimate deal-breaker. If your partner can go days and hours without speaking to you, that means you are never on their priority list. Ghosting is one of the major signs that your relationship won’t last much.


 Sometimes, dating can be a very complex experience. So, do not make it harder by creating issues. We are humans, and sometimes we expect too much from a person. So, here are a few deal-breakers that can end up your relationship:


Thinking someone you are dating should move mountains for you is unrealistic. Don’t expect someone to spoil you. Don’t spend their money on you and end your relationship with them.


 One of the worst things you can do when you are dating someone is assuming someone in a certain way. Stereotyping someone is the quickest way to get them to shut down. Placing stigmas on a person is dehumanizing. So, if you are walking into a new situation with old baggage, you are dragging that thing forever. So, don’t do that.


Are you the person who questions everything? Do you second-guess anything which your potential match says? Then, stop doing this immediately.


Some things are not as complex as we make them. You know when something bothers us and when some things cannot be adjusted or can be annoying, we tend to slow things down. So, as you get older, your preferences and views keep changing, and you care more about the person’s interior than their exterior. So, the only best thing you can do when you are dating someone is to observe them. Do not look for deal-breakers. Do not look for anything. Only hear what is said and pay attention to their things. It will help you decide if you want to be with a person or not. Always walk into every situation with a fresh perspective. Leave all your past relationships aside.