Women might be complicated in every way, but when it comes to scoping out your potential; it takes just a second to decide which direction we are swiping, and the reasons for it are pretty universal.
Yes, you can be the hottest guy on the earth with a sizzling bio, but there are a few things that guys post that are an immediate turn-off. So, whether you realize it or not, your profile might be full of instant deal-breakers.
Where did your views about the opposite sex is attracted some from? Rap videos? Car commercials? Well, guys think that by doing this, they will attract hot girls. In the media, hot girls get attracted to cars, fame, and money. But keep in mind that the media is selling something to you, not to the potential matches. So, next time when you post your picture on any dating app, make sure that you show your true self. When women see your pictures and read your bio, they try to discover about you. Yes, a picture of you on a motorcycle may signal excitement in your life, but they need to connect with you on an emotional level too. Also, you can read the blog “First date etiquette” to know more about dating. Meanwhile, here are a few things that have made us promptly swipe left:
Reason 1: Inappropriate display pictures.
Girls like physically fit men, but a basic photo of your bulging muscles does not look good.
FACT CHECK: Women are not as impressed by pictures as men are.
Seeing a picture of a shirtless guy tells us nothing except that you go to the gym. But frankly speaking, it does not indicate that you are smart or funny. A profile full of pictures with a shirtless body is a big “No-no” for girls and is an automatic left swipe for us. Showcasing how good you look is simply a show-off. Instead, we would rather love to see a picture of you with your dog on the beach.
Reason 2: Inappropriate bio or no words in your profile
We swipe left on guys who do not have a bio. It is a major component of how women evaluate you.
FACT-CHECK: We girls like reading “good bios”.
We just do not swipe on your picture, we swipe through your bios too. We want to know about you, your likes-dislikes and your emotions too. Great profiles will get good matches and mediocre-looking girls’ messages. Your bio is extremely important in that sense.
So, what is a good bio like? Well, all of them are different. But you can start with things that you like doing. Deep conversations about values, fears, ambitions, and hopes can happen later. But, you need to write something that will reflect your true self. Women love reading about you and your personality, and they would right-swipe your profile interests them.
Reason 3: Bad vibes
If you are not happy to go lucky person, it is absolutely fine to let that showcase. You do not have to smile in every picture. But showcasing your super macho attitude gives insecurities. Negative vibes reflect a lot of drama in any relationship.
TIP: Never use dating apps to showcase your issues.
Reason 4: Misleading pictures are ‘too’ difficult to handle
Are you bald? Are you hiding it with pictures from five years ago or by using grainy filters? No, do not do this.
So, when a girl meets you, she is going to zero in on the thing you were trying to hide. It is the very first thing they notice. So, do not try to hide your flaws, instead use your best and recent picture. If you have an interesting profile that showcases your personality, then girls will forget your flaws.
Reason 5: Grammar and spelling mistakes
We have always been very cognizant about words. Through emails, websites, and texting, we look at words all day. So, if in your dating profile you put the best version of yourself forward, chances are that many girls will right-swipe you. That is perfectly fine to be informal with your buds while you text, but if you want to appear educated, never use wrong grammar and avoid spelling mistakes.
Reason 6: Using too many emojis in your bio
Girls love emojis. They are short and help in indicating the tone of messages. But you do not have to end every sentence with an emoji. If you are doing this, JUST STOP! Simply use words like ‘Thank you and ‘Please’. It impacts much.
Women are visual and will be left swipe if your photo does not interest them. Also, posting photos of you with sunglasses says that you are hiding something. Women love to look straight into your eyes. Also, why do you keep posting those shirtless selfies? Are they your best pictures? You may want to show off your shirtless body, but she is not interested in all this. So, make sure that you take note of this before opening an account on any dating app.