Finding your ‘soulmate’ can feel like a daunting task. If you have been dating someone for a while now, you may be wondering why relationships don’t work. And as the saying goes, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming”. Yes, I agree that you may need to meet a lot of different men to find your  “the one”. Usually, string relationships rely heavily on a strong foundation between the couple. When you approach someone, it becomes imperative for singles to dip deep and self-evaluate to determine what they are looking for. You gauge your certainty and determine whether your goals for a relationship are realistic or not. So, the first step in any relationship is your “compatibility”. Testing your compatibility cannot be done with honesty and transparency. Just be honest with your needs! With this, you will see potential partners for who they are, leaving you to decide whether you have a future with them or not.


Compatibility consists of multiple things in different forms. Dissimilar and similar interests, philosophical and political views, history, cultural background are all aspects that can play a part in finding your compatibility.

Couple compatibility exists when there is equality and respect in a relationship. A couple needs to have fun together and enjoy spending quality time together. For a relationship; to sustain, a couple doesn’t need to have similar interests. At times, when you find the ideal choice for you, that person will not share all of your interests. Hence, it is important to have friendships, a broader base of support and companionship so that you can fulfill all your “compatibility” aspects.  Always remember that no one is perfect; hence issues will appear in any relationship. However, if there is respect in a relationship, your bond is likely to sustain.


Whenever we choose a partner, we look for someone open to trying new things or open to new ideologies. If you look for just one person to meet all your goals, you are just setting yourself up for disaster. Shared beliefs can be valuable to achieve partner compatibility, but the difference in interests can happen. Couples should excite each other to enjoy their interests and sharing that with their family and friends. Also, when it is about relationship compatibility, it is important to care for each other, respect and support each other as independent individuals.


  • By asking questions: There are many questions you need answers to if you want a fruitful companionship. All questions do not need to be asked and answered on your first date, but with time you need to peel back the onion and find out how they deal with their issues. Doing things together: There are times when your choices don’t amalgamate with that of your partner. While you do not have to work out together and being able to enjoy things that interest you will make your bond stronger.
  • Meeting friends and family: People from similar backgrounds are more compatible. Different upbringings do not necessarily need to be a deal-breaker, but it does make reliability and understanding your point of view very challenging. Hence, it is always important to be open-minded and have a realistic approach while choosing your partner from a different background.
  • Physical intimacy: Physical intimacy is important to a relationship. It is not about encouraging anyone to sleep around but to understand each other’s sexual needs. Sexual compatibility is necessary for long-term happiness. It is always better to choose someone you are compatible with than to try to change someone to fit your emotional, sexual, and mental needs.


  • Money and spending habits that need due consideration: Finances rank in the top 5 list of things couples disagree on. For couples who are in the different directions of the spending spectrum, it becomes a battle between the saver and the spender. If you do not discuss this point in the early stages, then problems could arise. So, “Couples who are on the same page in terms of finances usually find it easier going than those with wildly divergent spending behaviors.”
  • Spirituality or religion: When people of different faiths and religious beliefs enter relationships, their relationship succeeds. Yes, challenges and differences of opinion may arise, but that will happen in any relationship, not just those dealing with different ideas on religion. However, if it is a major- component of your life and something you hold on the top, then; it is vital for you to seriously consider the pros and cons of dating someone of a different religion.
  • ‘Priorities’ do matter: It becomes easy; to date a person of similar priorities. However, you fall in love way easily without getting the chance to discuss your future goals in advance. Day-to-day routines, jobs, and relationships with family should align in some way or the other. For example, if your partner works for 12-hours a day, are you prepared to adjust to their schedules while simultaneously balancing your own? At the end of the day, differences can be overcome by the level of willingness you put to make your relationship work. So, if you and your partner are on the same page about life’s priorities, you will have a lot fewer arguments about these kinds of troubles or issues. Sharing life will be easier as you two progress through life with the same frequency.
  • Are your life goals meeting? If you are looking for a partner, you should mention your life goals at the early stages of getting into the relationship. For a relationship to be successful, you guys need to be on the same page. Dating a person could be fun, but if disagreements happen, then communication is the key. Be crystal clear about your ambitions, intentions, and life goals.