One of the basic human tendencies is to develop a romantic relationship- and maybe fall in love. But since we live in an era where old romantic charm has faded, people find it difficult- to meet the love of their life. Maybe dating your co-worker is against company policies. Or you hate the bar scene. Maybe, you are not just in the right mood to meet someone while trekking through the grocery store. Hence, it gets easy to say that people of all ages, locations, and lifestyles have been facing this issue for decades. So, in the last ten years, a new solution has arrived to help lonely hearts meet ‘the one’: online dating.

It’s a match:

Initially, people used to marry in their early 20s, which meant that most dating that use to happen; be done to settle down right away. But, that is not the life that young people of this generation lead anymore. The age of first marriage is now in the late twenties or 30s. So, with the rise of phone applications and online dating websites, people get access to more potential; partners than they could meet at work or in the neighborhood. So, all I can say is that â€˜Online dating’ is an idea about modern romance, with a tinge of love and a lot of practicality. These days the variety of dating sites are constantly growing. There are sites for seniors, fitness-oriented people, for people looking for friends, and for people who are looking for hook-ups.

“You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince”:

So, if online dating feels like an unsolvable puzzle in the search for ‘the one’, you are not alone. Research shows that online dating is on the boom these days. A Research Center found that “Three-in-ten Americans have used a dating app; 12% have married or been in a committed relationship with someone they have met through online dating”. So, we can say that online dating appears to be a practical way to date for; most people. Many people have found success finding romantic partners online, whether they are, looking for something casual or long-term. Overall a majority of them have found it relatively easy to meet potentially compatible partners. They find their dates; based on their similar hobbies and interests. Research also shows that there are negative side effects of online dating, especially for young women. According to a survey, 60% of women ages 18-34 say that someone on an app or dating site keeps contacting them after they texted they were not interested. Also, at times, they get unsolicited sexually explicit pictures or messages too. Also, online dating is not for the faint of heart or those who get easily discouraged. So, this theory of “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince”, applies to this subject.


The idea of meeting someone:

      In some ways, online dating is a different conflict from meeting someone in real life. The process of meeting- your virtual date is simple. You typically have the information about them before you meet them. Maybe you have read a short profile or have had extensive conversations via text or email. But when you meet someone online, you have a lot of information about that person ahead of time or you may have very little. Also, I think that there are- certain things about a person and a potential partner that you just cannot find out from a profile or chatting online. Say for, example: Do you guys communicate well? Do you make each other laugh? Do you enjoy each other’s company? etc. These things do matter when it comes to; make a relationship work, and they are not available in a profile. While, online dating has opened doors to meet new people, but there are a few things that you should consider while opting for online dating applications:

  • Pick your dating apps wisely: 

Online dating applications are not one of those see-all-of-your-options-and-then-make-a-decision strategies. Just be selective. Some applications have a reputation for being hookup apps, whereas others connect users of the same religion. So, use applications according to your partner’s preferences.

  • Honesty is the policy:

People tend to fall for people with similar relationship choices, pet preferences, and religions. So, being honest about what you want and so that people can understand you. 

  • Choosing a photo that puts your best foot forward:

Photos should depict your physical appearance. Also, they should be the ones that you like. Your photos can have big bearing on someone’s likeability. Specific attributes that increase attractiveness and likeability are a genuine smile and a slight head tilt.

  • Attractive profile bios:

No one is going to read a six-paragraph essay. People do swipe profiles quickly. Do include something distinctive about you. People tend to be interested in attractive profiles. So, do include something that appeals to others and defines you.

  • Keep conversations short:

            Always make sure to keep online, pre-meeting exchanges to two weeks or shorter. Always make an effort to get to know someone. Ask about a specific part of someone’s profile or talk about likes and dislikes. It helps you know the person better.

  • Enjoy while meeting new people:

Using dating applications should be fun. It should not be baggage. At times, it might make you feel like doing daily chores; or not enjoying it, then take a break and try something else.

Online dating is a modern romantic strategy that brings people together. No matter what, there seems to be something for everyone when dating online-just be clear about your expectations. Embrace new opportunities, learn a little about yourself, and do not forget to have fun. And who knows, while doing all this, you may even meet your “the one”?