A study out a week ago in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology stated that even five to 10 minutes a day of low-intensity running is enough to live a long life. It showed that running is essential for your heart and mental health. It is one of the cheapest workout mediums that lead you to healthy and happy living. Also, while the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage in parts of the world, running is helping people to repair and heal. It is one of the fastest ways to get in a workout—no memberships or class fees are required, and you do not need to drive to the gym to do it. Runners will always keep telling you that it is great cardio exercise and has n number of benefits. So, let us understand why running is apt for your health.

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FOR A LONG RUN:  Just run for fun!

The hardest part about running is getting started. Whether you are brand new to the sport or new to a training plan, building the mental and physical strength to start will crush your soul. But, hey, there are millions of us lacing up our running shoes every week and consider running as an activity just for fun. Also, there are many health benefits of running which will leave you wondering if running is not a bad idea at all.

  • Running increases your endorphin level: When we talk about endorphins, they are our brain’s feel-good chemicals. They provide a positive sense of well-being and increase the metabolism of your body.
  • Running helps you sleep better: If you have not read about the importance of sleeping, you have been well asleep under a rock somewhere. Sleep is important for everyone. It is that state when your body performs all its repair work. Hence, the more you run, the more you need quality sleep.
  • Running helps you lose weight: Running involves continuously moving your entire body weight. Hence, it burns more calories than most other activities and helps in reducing weight.
  • Running helps boost your immunity: A moderate amount of exercise helps improve the immune system and reduces the risk of a getting infected.
  • Running is good to improve glucose regulation, and it lowers the risk of diabetes and pre-diabetes:  High blood glucose levels lead to diabetes. They are also threatening to shorten a healthy lifespan.
  • Running helps in lowering blood pressure: Running is a proven exercise that helps in lowering blood pressure. Hence, steady and continuous workouts like running should be done regularly by people who have high blood pressure issues.
  • Add on benefit: Running builds your self-esteem: Yes, that is true! Regular exercise helps in building self-esteem. Running is a process where we count the miles and minutes and start a new journey altogether.

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               Running is an activity filled with mental, emotional, and physical health benefits. Hence, there are a few tips that can be helpful for beginners:

  • Consult your doctor before you start a running program. It is essential if you are over 40 years, have a chronic illness, or are overweight. 
  • Pre-exercise screening is essential because it helps to identify people with a medical history and put them at a higher health risk.  Pre-exercise screening is a ‘safety net’ that helps decide whether you should consider running as; your fitness activity.
  • If you are running for health, then start with brisk walking. Consider doing this activity for 30 minutes per session. Also, allow a maximum of six weeks to build up to regular running.
  • Make sure that you warm-up and stretch thoroughly before heading out. Cool your body with light stretches when you return.
  • Make sure you carry a water bottle and take plenty of fluids with you while running. Also, drink plenty of water before starting this activity.
  • Take a break of two days per week to avoid over training, which may cause injury. Consider doing other low-impact activities like swimming; at least once each week.
  • Always plan your route well in advance. If possible, choose flat areas instead of hard: or loose surfaces to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Try to avoid running near roads. It is essential if you have got asthma. The pollution produced from vehicles can increase your risk of cardiovascular and respiratory complaints.
  • Try to avoid ‘peak hour’ periods to reduce your risk of inhaling air pollution. If possible, try scheduling your runs for early morning or late evenings.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing because it helps you to breathe freely.
  • When you decide to take running, you should get yourself an appropriate pair of shoes.

How many miles you should run daily?

 Running for 30 minutes a day gives you a considerable amount of health benefits. It makes your body more efficient, helps you with active recovery, and increases blood flow. At times, people have this question as to how many miles they should run? But, it is not about miles- it is about minutes. There is no set number of miles you should run every day.

How to Start Running: The Absolute Beginners' Guide
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RUNNING FOR HEALTH: Even a little bit is good!

Running is a life-enhancing activity for people who are fitness enthusiasts. Whether you are a weekend warrior, an occasional jogger, or getting trained for your hundredth marathon, you should follow every precautionary measure. The only key to a healthy lifestyle is performing any physical activity giving you considerable health benefits.