The world is full of different cuisines and each country is known to be serving something that is best served in and around the world. There consists of various breakfast, lunch, and dinner options for people to enjoy. Some prefer something healthy and they love to try out different things.

Breakfast being the first and foremost thing to be had in the morning when we start our day should be something that fills us with happiness and positive energy to survive the day with full energy and cheerfulness to withstand anything that comes our way.

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 Let’s see what are some culturally unique breakfast:

There are various countries and similarly various breakfast options according to one’s tradition or culture but most importantly what matters is the taste, flavor, and also some unknown facts that’s behind that cuisine or say the breakfast in general.

People in Germany specifically prefer freshly baked bread, the local cheese, and a strong cup of coffee while people in Poland have scrambled eggs, pancakes as their breakfast. People in Thailand have a very unique thing that is popularly served in the country which includes minty, spicy fish with a slice of sweet and spicy pork, served with rice. Isn’t that interesting?

Indians have a simple but nutritious breakfast that includes scrambled tofu, veggies, and toasted bread alongside while some best and popular breakfast options people in the US prefer is bacon, breakfast burrito, pudding, and even a sandwich combined of egg and cheese.

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So these were some culturally unique breakfast that one can find in and around the world in different countries but what are some options that you can find anywhere in the world easily as a breakfast option:

Eggs having a higher rate of popularity has the best and easiest option to be included and you can have/get it anywhere in and around the world as a breakfast option. Similarly, seasonal fruits, nuts, greek yogurt, berries, or even any other dairy product is used the most as a breakfast option and is considered healthy.


1. Breakfast is something that is served between 7-10 am and is known to be the ideal time. Breakfast is most popularly are known in 3 types that is American breakfast, Continental breakfast, and English breakfast.

2. Iceland tops the list of serving the healthiest breakfast in the world. Iceland serves Hafragrautur (oatmeal), with SKyr yogurt, fruit, coffee, and cod liver oil. Their breakfast is high in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and low in fat and salt.

3. China has ranked highest in the consumption of eggs in the world. Based on a 2017 study, China ranked the highest in egg consumption out of 154 other countries. On average, a Chinese resident would eat 22.9 kg worth of eggs per year.

4. The world record for the most people eating breakfast in bed is 289 and was set in Sydney, Australia on 2nd March in 2012. It involved 85 queen size beds containing four people each. And The world’s largest breakfast on record involved 27,854 people and took place in Germany on 29 May 2005.

There are various articles on the net that you’d love reading about breakfast and its importance around the world. Also, how many countries have different and similar types of breakfasts? We have a few favorite picks of our own that we’ll love to share so that you can read them too.

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Every breakfast in the world has its importance and nutritional value and an ideal breakfast should make your gut strong but here are some things that you shouldn’t eat the first thing in the morning. That includes fried foods which are high in fat and might cause diarrhea.

Citrus fruits and artificial sugar too can cause an upset stomach and who would want to start their day with an upset stomach. So one can rather soon something that doesn’t consist of a lot of fiber because everything in a limit suits the body and gut in a better way.

Beans or extremely spicy foods can cause harm to one’s health as something like that in the morning can cause problems that can take time to heal even several weeks so it’s better to avoid it.

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The world offers the best of breakfast ideas and options but choose what makes you feel full and won’t hurt your gut. Oh yes, the calories and managing your weight is important too so when you choose a food or breakfast option from around the world make sure it’s tasty yet healthy so that you never regret having it again. Enjoy the food you eat and make sure to cheat once in a while so that you taste different cuisines around the world.

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