Food is known as the vital source a human body requires to survive and the most important meal is said to be the morning BREAKFAST. Breakfast simply means breaking the overnight fasting which in a way is very essential for the daily activities performed by the body.

The blood sugar level in your body which helps in the functioning of your muscles and brain cells is usually low in the morning and breakfast is supposed to give the boost to the same to make it function better and throughout the day.

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It is said that to kick start your day it is good to have something that digests easily and is absorbed well by the body. Fruits are known to be the best thing one can have first thing in the morning. As fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are required by the body.

Fruits mainly apple, pomegranate, or any other citrus fruit is advised to be taken empty stomach as it promotes the good functioning of the body and enriches the cells to perform the daily activities in a better way.

The research shows that breakfast leads to healthy weight loss and it also boosts the metabolism correctly as required without causing much damage to the body and helping it to achieve the desired results.

Websites you can read for weight loss through breakfast :

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Not only does it provide important vitamins and minerals but it does provide your body with important nutrients that are gained from consuming cereals, milk, and many other things that come under healthy eating. Everybody should have the practice to engage themselves in starting their day with a healthy option.

Some other healthy breakfast options except fruits and dairy can be oatmeal, green tea, a cup of brewed coffee with less or no sugar, eggs, or even a small bowl of nuts.

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 Let’s see what are some benefits of having breakfast :

1. Energy to engage in physical activities: As all the physical activities need energy throughout the day thus having a fuller stomach and eating well first thing in the morning can help you take fewer meal breaks and you will be energized the whole day. Breakfast before a workout session can help you stay more focused than lazy.

2. Good mood throughout the day: Eating breakfast can boost your mood. Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling tired, restless, and grumpy. Start the day with a healthy breakfast, and you’ll enjoy a more positive and uplifting mood.

3. Enhances the immune system: Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C which works wonders for your immune system. You add a few fresh fruits to your breakfast. Add berries to oats and yogurt for a strong immune system. Some of the fruits you can consume for breakfast are- orange, apple, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, and more.

4. Studies show you can live longer: New research based on 6,550 American adults found that people who eat breakfast are less likely to die prematurely from cardiovascular disease (Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2019). People who skipped breakfast were 87% more likely to die during the study. You can read the full article on


It is believed that having breakfast within 2 hours of waking up can help with good metabolism which will also help in maintaining the body weight and we think that the early risers have an advantage here as they can schedule everything as per their needs. There are various breakfast options one can rely on, some of them are as follows :

  1. Quinoa: It is very nutritious. It contains the plant compounds Quercetin and Kaempferol. It is also very high in fiber, much higher than most grains. Quinoa is Gluten-Free and perfect for people With gluten intolerance. It is found very high in protein, with all the essential amino acids. And last but not least it has a low glycemic index, Which is good for blood sugar control.
  2. Avocado toast: Avocados contain more potassium than bananas and are incredibly nutritious. Avocados are loaded with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Eating avocados can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It is also said that people who eat avocados tend to be healthier.
  3. Oatmeal: Whole oats are rich in antioxidants and contain a powerful soluble fiber called Beta-Glucan. Oats can lower cholesterol levels and protect LDL cholesterol from damage. It can also improve blood sugar control and as it very filling so can lead to weight loss.
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Every country has its style and is still trying out new variations in the food they cook and what they use as per their preferences and availability of things at home to make it healthier. Many of us are still unaware of the things that we eat or what is served to us first thing in the morning.

It is very important to know what you eat and the proportion of your food intake when you start your day. There are so many interesting facts about breakfast around the world everybody should know about which can provide the knowledge as well as can help to keep their health in check.

The link below will help you to know 60 such interesting facts :

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All of us know that there are two sides to the coin similarly as we read the benefits of having a healthy breakfast let’s see the cons and negative effects of skipping our morning breakfast :

1. It gives you a severe migraine headache: Skipping breakfast which is the first meal of the day can cause severe migraine headache to people dealing with the blood-glucose levels in people fall too low in the morning. Except this even missed or irregular pattern of eating can put a person at higher risk of such problems.

2. Affects the metabolism: Metabolism plays a huge role in weight management and when your body wakes up with a slow metabolism and not giving it enough calories to burn at breakfast can further reduce the body’s willingness to burn calories. Over a period of time, this reduces the overall ability of the body to use up calories and reducing metabolism.

3. Can cause menstrual irregularity in women: If you’re constantly skipping your breakfast then you may skip your period as well or you might get late but that’s just because the schedule change is affecting your routine. So as soon as you get back on track and avoid skipping your breakfast/meals, it will stop affecting your ovulation and you’ll get your delayed period on time.

4. Low energy levels throughout the day: Our energy can start draining any time of the day if we don’t feed it well in the morning. From daily household chores to professional commitments each and everything needs enough energy to keep going. A healthy breakfast or a healthy start to the day can take you a long way.

A small change to our lifestyle can bring in a lot of change and fewer visits to the doctor’s clinic. Work and stress go hand in hand and so does our busy schedule but it’ll be so great if we just start our day with a positive note and a good & healthy breakfast. It’ll keep us in a good mood and also will help us to lead the day with ease.

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Have a healthy and beautiful day ahead!